Chapter Eleven

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The next three days couldn't pass any slower. Rainwind fought boredom in class during the day and the urge to dive into the history scroll at night. By dinner, on the third day, she was just about ready to rip her horns off in frustration.

     Rainwind sighed, rubbing her eyes and trying to blink the sleep from them. She was feeling increasingly lazy lately: not wanting to get up, less energy, slower mind, you name it. She guessed it had to do with the lack of wind under her wings. SwiftScales required flying to be happy and healthy. Well, she wasn't getting any, so her mind paid the price.

     She was sitting next to her mother, Albatrosswing, in the Entrance Cave while they waited for Petralclaw to return with their dinner. Practically the whole tribe was gathered (as many dragons as could fit around the fire pits, and then some) and loud chatter echoed annoyingly off the cave walls. On top of her sluggish energy levels, Rainwind was getting a headache due to the noise. A nasty combination.

     Petralclaw returned with an assorted group of herring and mackerel and she and her mother dug in. Rainwind was thawing the fish just as she felt the prickle of awareness of being watched.

     It started at the base of her tail then crept up her spine, settling between her wings and leaving her with the urge to bolt. Rainwind stamped down the sensation and clutched the fish tighter. All in all, it was unpleasant, and Rainwind knew that whoever was eyeing her was behind her.

     Admittedly, she didn't react very well. With the I'm-being-watched feeling between her wings and the fear gripping her limbs Rainwind acted on impulse and whirled around, her wings knocking into her mother. She momentarily locked eyes with a stormy gray SwiftScale before the dragon looked away, disappearing into the crowd. He wasn't directly behind her, however, and the feeling of being watched never left her. Rainwind scanned the crowd anxiously for a glimpse. Perhaps it was Stratusstream? It seemed unlikely, the gaze that was on her left her wanting to scratch her scales off with how malicious it was.

     "Rainwind? What's wrong?" came the low murmur of her mother. Albatrosswing leaned closer to her, noticing her eyes staring off into the distance and trying to follow her line of sight. "See anything?"

     Confused, Rainwind shook her head. "No... no, I don't think so..." She still felt queasy.

     Perhaps sensing this, Albatrosswing nudged her with her snout and directed her to face the fire again. She slipped a wing over Rainwind and as soon as she was wreathed in the scent of her mother, Rainwind felt safe. "How about we enjoy a nice meal, courtesy of your father?"

     Petralclaw beamed, puffing his chest out in pride. "Indeed. It took a great deal of effort to walk to the other side of the cave and back." Albatrosswing's tinkling laughter caught the air nearby and she and her father shared a smile.

     They were just beginning to eat when a hush fell over the cave. Rainwind noticed heads turning and turned herself, trying to spot what got everyone's attention. Sure enough, Queen Swansong was emerging from the passage to the Sleeping Caves, Rapidwings and her dragonets in tow. Albatrosswing spotted her sister and waved her over excitedly.

     "Swansong! Over here!" she called, and before Rainwind could blink, the Queen of the SwiftScales was drifting gracefully across the cave. Thunderclap and Lightningtail bounded toward Rainwind but were steered to the side by their mother's wing. Swansong sat next to Albatrosswing, on Rainwind's right, her cousins taking their place next to her aunt's side. Rapidwings completed the circle, his tail curling protectively behind his dragonet's backs.

     "Hello," Swansong murmured. Lightningtail and Thunderclap continued with hearty cheers and Rapidwings nodded at Petralclaw. Rainwind would have answered their greeting (as dictated common sense) but was interrupted by an angry shout from behind.

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