Chapter 2- Understand

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"Heine, I don't really understand this..." 

King Victor was talking to the Royal tutor, Heine Wittgenstein who was sitting next to him. After hearing the news prince Eins revealed that him and Count Rosenberg were in a relationship, the king tried to figure out how and what happened. So he called his closest friend to  help him figure out what to do.

"Was there any signs of them together?"

"Not really... But if there  was how would I know about it? Eins stays at Swartz Palace and not at Weisburg Palace."

"Well if this is really his choice then you should support you son."

"I do but I want to know if this is true or if he's just pulling my leg!"

"Well then I have an idea..."

Both of their expressions changed after hearing the idea, the tutor who thought his idea was great but then there was Victor's reaction. He looked like he was about to cry... from laughing too hard, 

"That just might work!"

--- Back at Swartz Palace--

Prince Eins and Count Rosenberg were walking side by side, the maids bowed to show their respect while they continued into Eins room. During the carriage ride they decided that they would continue their conversation when they arrived at Swartz Palace, so nobody heard them while they were trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. Ernst closed the door, and then he said in a normal voice but there was a frown still on his face "Explain." 

Seems like his anger calmed down maybe I could try to talk to make him understand without getting killed by him.

"Ok, that day my father called me for an important reason. He just told me it was important and nothing else so even I didn't know about it."

"Ok, so that's why you didn't tell me anything, but why did you say my name?"

"Well to answer that I have to start from the beginning."

"I'll listen."

"I went into my father's room to know why he called me here and he told me that a letter came from one of our boarding on kingdoms it was a proposal for me. It was from King Jeremiah from the kingdom of Virgil. He said he was seeking a mate for his daughter Blythe, he said in the letter that I was the perfect match for her, they wanted a union with the kingdom of Granzreich. He told me that his daughter thought very highly of me, she thought I was very smart, sweet,  kind, handsome, and stuff like that!"

He was holding back a burst of laughter as he said " She thought you were handsome?" 

Eins gave him a bitter glare, "That's not the point, what I mean to say is that she has never even seen me and she says stuff like this. It's obvious that they just want more power!" 

"Then you could have married her, you would have a better chance of becoming king that way!"

"There is no way I going to be with someone like that, I'd rather be with you!"

Ernst flushed red, Eins was unsure if it was from embarrassment or anger. Soon he calmed down and said "So why don't we keep this up for a while until King Jeremiah gives up then we can fake a break up?"

Eins was surprised that Ernst actually accepted his absurd situation and agreed to help him, he looked down, "Thank you."

Ernst smiled at him that silly smile that Eins really hated but right now he really needed it, Ernst sat beside him on the bed and said "It's fine but you owe me~" Eins stared at him if you look really close you could see that he smiled for a second or even a slight, small blush.

"Ah! I just realized something! What if..."

Eins looked at Ernst with a confused glance only to see him giving that teasing look back, "What?"

"What if they ask us proof of us together? I mean, you told your father that you were in a relationship with me! How would you expect him to believe that ?"

"As in you want to do things in front of people?"

"N-No! As in-"

He was stopped by Eins grabbing his hands and pinning them down, their faces were so close. Even Ernst was rapidly blushing, "Eins! What are you doing?" .

A smirk appeared on Eins face as he pushed him flat on the bed, he whispered close to ears, "Don't worry the door is closed~".

Eins let him go, Ernst immediately got up, his cheeks boiling, and went out the door. 

It took awhile for Eins to realize what he just did.


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