The Return

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Many years ago, A great demon fox known as the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama went on a rampage destroying the Village known as Konohagakure, The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Until the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze sealed the Demon into a set of newborn twins, one a boy with a tuft of blonde hair on his head, the other a girl with tuft of crimson hair on hers, his own children by sealing the Demon into his two children the Village was spared but at the cost of  the Fourth Hokage's life.

The Fourth Hokage's last wishes were for the children to be regarded as heroes for being the vessels containing the Nine-Tails. Instead of  being hailed as heroes, The two children were scorned by the villagers who's hateful behaviour was picked and acted on by their own children.

A few years after the Nine-Tails almost destroying the Village, The Konoha Council suspected the Uchiha Clan were responsible for the attack because of the special ocular ability they possessed called the "Sharingan", which led to the rumour of the Uchiha Clan plotting a coup d'etat which led to Itachi Uchiha massacring his entire clan sparing only his brother, Sasuke to be only survivor of his clan or so they thought...

《Reiki POV》
I staggered around in the sand,  the scalding sun burned my face and eyes, blinding me as I attempted to moisten my lips but to no avail. I reached into my pouch and took out my flask, opening it and holding it above my mouth. Shaking the flask to my tongue it provided some moisture before immediately drying.

'Empty.' I thought, letting a soft sigh release from me before putting the flask back in my pouch. 

With heavy feet I continued to walk in the direction of the Land of Fire, hoping to make it there by nightfall.

Wiping the sweat off my brow with a sigh, a growl slipped out from under my breath, "I hate sand.  This entire place is nothing but sand!"

With another growl of frustration, I pump my legs into a sprint, the faster I go the sooner I'm there. Sand kicked up leaving clouds of dust trailing behind me.

After about an hour of sprinting, I see the borders of the Land of Fire.  My eyes glinted in joy, feeling energy I haven't felt since I began this journey.  I picked up the pace, the blur of what it was became clearer. However, when I finally reach the border and crossed it a group of Shinobi stopped me.

"Who are you?", One of them said stepping closer to me, his voice was raspy and deep.  Almost as dry as the desert.

A feeble croak of words spilled out of my dry throart, "My name is Reiki Uchiha....I have a letter from the Kazekage for my reasons of being here and where I am going.", I looked at them as they whispered amongst themselves.

"Did he just say Uchiha as in the Uchiha?",One of them said as another of them chuckled, their voices were all dry.  It reminded me of the fucking desert.

The man who chuckled muttered amongst them, "He couldn't be a Uchiha, they were all wiped out, well except the Sasuke kid, after the whole thing"

I sighed and cleared my throat, "Do you want proof of my identity?", I said looking at them boredly, I'm tired of wasting time.

The one who spoke with me first looked at me and nodded, "Prove to us you are a Uchiha—A member of the all but wiped out clan"
I look the shinobi in the eye and activated my sharingan as they all gape at me. 

Two tomoe.

"Proof enough?—" With a stifled yawn I didn't bother waiting for a for response. "—Good I'll be on my way then." I broke into a fast sprint off across the path in the direction of the Village Hidden in The Leaves.  Otherwise known as Konohagakure.

《Minako POV》
I sit up rubbing my eyes, feeling groggy.  Stretching and getting out of bed, I look over at the sleeping figure of my brother, a thick coat of drool covering his face.  With a shake of my head, I moved to shake him awake.

"Naru wake up~~", I said in a gentle voice. But my twin only groaned.

"Go away sis." He muttered sleepily, little shit.. Quickly I lost my temper.
"Naruto. Wake up." I said sternly, his response was to simply roll over.  A dark aura emitted around from me, my hair raised like Medusa's snakes. 

My patience had entirely faded away. My fist rose acting as the judges mallet in a death sentence.
"I said....'WAKE UP'!", I said slamming my fist against his head making him yelp and bolt upright rubbing his head.

"Owwwww....That hurts!", He said clutching his head as I turn away from him,

"You should have got up the first time I asked, Naruto" I said before walking to the kitchen and grabbing some ramen from our cupboard tossing him one which he caught. 

"Come on let's get ready and head to the academy," I said as Naruto just rolled his eyes at me, lazily eating his ramen before standing up and heading to shower.  I sighed deeply, at least he remembered to shower today..

After about ten minutes, I went into the bathroom.  Feeling guilty and wanting to apologize.  Pushing the door open, I began, "Hey Naruto....I wanted to apologise to you about this morning but you really left me no choi- what the.."

Naruto was gone, the window wide open.  Like snakes my hair raised, in rage I punched the wall, "NARUTO."

I was met with hostility while searching for Naruto.  People glaring me down and belittling me with their eyes.  I bit my tongue deciding against doing anything more than ignoring them.

"Where is that idiot brother of mine....?",I muttered looking around when I bumped into someone causing us both to topple over.

《Reiki's POV》

I rubbed the back of my head in annoyance at the stranger who bumped into me, "Watch where you...r going..."  I stopped.

"What are you staring at dumbass?", She hissed venomously.  My face glowed up with heat as I gazed at her beautiful face. 

Piercing blue eyes with silky brilliant red locks. Her hair framed her face gorgeous and highlighted her best features..even her body was-

I look away stammering uncontrollably,"N-n-nothing" I backed away slowly. While she took a steps closer to me looking me in the eyes making me gulp loudly. In a desperate attempt to escape I used the substitution jutsu.

Leaning against the side of of a building, my hand made it's way against my chest, my heart knocking against my ribcage.  Trying to steady my heart rate with a heavy sigh, I peaked around the corner. 

The pretty girl looked around for a few moments in confusion.  Her blue eyes sparkling in curiosity before she shrugged and dashed back off into a crowd of villagers.
'Who...was she..?'

Ty: Hey Readers what do you think will happen in the next chapter
Reiki: I talk to the hokage before I get-
Ty: *knocks Reiki out*
Minako: *snorts with laughter*
Ty: *glares at her* Anyways, give us some if your ideas you'd like to see in this fanfiction because we genuinely are hopeless when it comes to unique ideas
Minako: So your milking them for ideas?
Ty: Yes I am you have a problem with that?
Minako: No not all
Ty: Until the next chapter!

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