Broken Hearts Club {Kyoka Jiro x Fem!Reader}

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Kyoka Jiro and Denki Kaminari, Class 1-A's picture-perfect couple, basically inseparable, Rubbing salt in the wound much, (Y/n) (L/n), Kyoka's best friend, she had feelings for Kyoka and last, Mina Ashido, The bright bubbly girl of 1-A, the Single...

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Kyoka Jiro and Denki Kaminari, Class 1-A's picture-perfect couple, basically inseparable, Rubbing salt in the wound much, (Y/n) (L/n), Kyoka's best friend, she had feelings for Kyoka and last, Mina Ashido, The bright bubbly girl of 1-A, the Single, bright bubbly girl of 1-A.

The third years of UA were at an After Graduation party at Kyoka's house, as always Denki and Kyoka were flirting, (Y/n) was drinking the spiked punch in the corner with Sero and Kirishima, Mina was dancing in the middle of the room with a few other girls, Kaminaris eyes were focused on Mina, his replies to Kyoka were dry and short, he obviously had something else on his mind.

"I'm so fucking done" (Y/n) chugged the last of her drink "You okay?" Sero and Kirishima were the only two who knew about (Y/n)'s feelings for Kyoka "No, I don't want to be here" Her voice was quiet and slightly slurred "Come on" Kirishima puts one arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder and the other around Sero's "Upstairs we go" The redhead cheered earning a laugh from his two best friends "Upstairs we go" (Y/n) repeated, slightly less cheery "Wait, more punch first" The girl ducked under her friend's arm, refilling her solo cup before joining the two boys again "Alright let's go"

The three friends entered a room upstairs, it was pretty empty, just some boxes and few sheets, and a whole lot of dust "We found the room the guy with the rusty ass knife hides" Sero comments "Yay, tetanus" (Y/n) cheered as she sat down on a sheet, leaning on a box, sipping her drink "Try and perk up a little, hey?" Kirishima sat next to (Y/n) gently elbowing "Sorry, ahem, My crush is downstairs with her boyfriend and I have emotions so I can't be down so instead I'm sitting in a dusty as fuck room where the murderer hides" she says in a fake cheery voice.

"Come on (Y/n), just please tonight, for us, cheer up a little" Sero came and sat in front of the two, making a triangle "Little more alcohol and Ill be right as rain" (Y/n) brought her cup up to her lips and chugged the last of it "Now, can we do something?" Sero laughed at (Yn)'s response "Let's play truth or dare" Kirishima suggested "who are you? An eleven-year-old girl" (Y/n)'s voice was a little more slurred than before "actually you know what, fuck it, lets play"

The group of friends sat and played Truth and dare for a while, Kirishima and Sero had left and (Y/n) was laying in the room staring on the roof just thinking.

Just after Kirishima, Sero and (Y/n) had made their way upstairs, Mina had too, followed by Denki, Kyoka was hanging with Momo and Ohacko waiting for Denki to get back from the "Bathroom" she was getting anxious, recently Denki had been getting a lot more flirty with other girls and spending a lot less time with her.

It had been about half an hour, everyone had left -except Mina, Denki, Kyoka and (Y/n)- Kyoka was making her way upstairs to look for Denki, She opened the bathroom door, to find no one, The guest bedroom, No one, Her bedroom, Denki and Mina, laying together, clothes scattered around the room "Denki, what the fuck?" Kyoka's voice was quiet but she was pissed "Kyoka" Denki scrambled to get out of the bed and throw some clothes on, Mina was fast asleep "fucking answer me" Kyoka was looking Denki in the eye with the biggest stink eye you've ever seen "I- I can't" Denki was ashamed "How could you fucking do this, after everything we've been through, Fuck Denki I trusted you" Tears were spilling down Kyoka's face, Mina had woken up "Kyoka, I'm sorry" He tried to reach out to her "No don't fucking apologise and Don't' call me Kyoka, and you" Kyoka turned to Mina "Never talk to me again you fucking slut" Kyoka's voice was dripping with venom "Ky, I'm sor-" Kyoka cut her "Shut up, gt out of my fucking house, both of you"

(Y/n) had heard the entire thing as the "Box room" as she had called it was right next to Kyoka's room and boy, she was pissed, she was leaning against the door frame "Oi fuckasses" she says her voice completely calm "Ever and I mean ever, hurt Kyoka again and I will personally break your fucking ribs, you absolute fuckfaces" she ended her augment with a sweet smile before flying her fist into Denki's nose "Have a nice fucking day, asshole"

"Hey Ky" (Y/n) opened the door to see Kyoka sitting on the floor, sobbing "Come here" Kyoka stood up and buried her head in her best friends shoulder "In my fucking room too" The pain in Kyoka's voice was coated with anger "Come on" (Y/n) took Kyoak by the shoulders and directed her to the room next door "Is where you, Kiri and Sero disappeared off to?" (Y/n) nodded, sitting down, Pulling a crying Kyoka down into a hug "It's going to be okay, I promise" she gently rubs circles on Kyoka's back "I'm so sorry, Kyoka, I really wish I could just make everything better for you"

The two sat there, on the dusty floor, Kyoka crying, (Y/n) gently petting her hair and comforting her until she calmed a little "(Y/n)?" Kyoka looked up at her friend "Thank you"

I kinda lost it at the end lol

dw I love mina and denki  promise 

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