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Inosuke refused to let Ochako lead the way, even knowing she was faster than him. He said because 'he was the big brother.' Cute. In actuality they were the same age, but she'll let him think what he wants. Currently, the two of them were waiting for the demon to make a move. They both felt it's presence begin to move and immediately rushed into the room they felt it was in, with Makio. Inosuke slammed the door open and Ochako slipped in, only to see a huge mess. 

She still felt the demon. "The ceiling!" 

She didn't need to say anything else, as Inosuke grabbed a bowl from the food outside the room and launched it at the ceiling, yelling. "HEY YOU! WE KNOW YOU IN THERE!"

"ITS ON THE MOVE!" Ochako yelled, running outside with Inosuke. "YOURE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Inosuke shouted, readying his fist. Ochako used her speed the launch herself in the air just as a sleezy man came out of nowhere. Ochako had to change her trajectory from her feet to her arms and ending up tackling  the man, getting tangled up with Inosuke who had punched the poor man directly in the nose while trying to get the wall. The two of them struggled in their confusion just enough for the demons presence to disappear. 

Inosuke wasted no time taking off in one direction while Ochako took another. At that moment though, the people of the house began coming out after hearing the noises, confusing them immensely as they tried to sense out the demon. "Too many people too many people I can't tell where it went!" 

Ochako hissed as she no longer felt the gravity of the demon. "It's not here anymore.." Her brow twitched, signifying her slowly diminishing patience. A vein popped on Inosuke's jaw as he growled his frustration at the houses people for getting in the way.

For the day, they made their way back to their shared room with Inosuke in a worse mood than when he had to put the kimono on for the first time.


Inosuke and Ochako were the first at the meetup. As soon as Tanjiro arrived Inosuke started telling him about the demon that was at their house. He was.. basically speaking nonsense. Doing weird poses and insisting the demon looked like them, trying to get Tanjiro to understand. Just to mess with him, Ochako joined Inosuke. 

"No no, it was more like this!" Ochako bent her back halfway and kind of wriggled her entire body in different directions with her head staying in one place. Inosuke nodded, doing the same.(picture the Squidward dance but with his back bent backwards but head completely still)

"Yeah! Just like this!" 

Tanjiro just stared, unsure of how to respond. "Just.. uh... let's wait for Uzui-San and Zenitsu to get here for our regular meet up..."

"It was like this!" Inosuke insisted. 

"I'm sure..." Tanjiro assured. Ochako sat down normally facing the ninja that just arrived.

"Zenitsu isn't coming." Said ninja muttered, startling the two boys.

Inosuke looked a little shook, staring at Tengen as Tanjiro furrowed his brow. "What do you mean, Zenitsu isn't coming?"

Tengen didn't respond. He only looked ahead, chewing his bottom lip. "I think I put you guys in terrible danger. Where Zenitsu is I don't know. He stopped contacting me last night."

"Maybe he..." Ochako tried to come up with a reason but trailed off, unable. 

"Ochako. Get them out of here. I trust you'll be able to. Their ranks are too low right now. There's an upper moon here. I'll call for Aiden when I need you. Just know, I will regard those who stopped contacting me as dead, from here on, I move on my own. That means you take care of yourself. You're the student of Muichirou, so you'll be fine."

"Wait, Uzui-San! We—!!" Tanjiro started, only to be cut off.

"HOLD IT OLD MAN!" Inosuke yelled, but he already was gone.

"Maybe.... maybe he didn't believe us because we're the lowest demon class?" Tanjiro suggested, staring at the place where Tengen just was.

"Currently we're at the Kanoe rank. We're the fourth lowest in the chain." Inosuke corrected.

"Huh?" Tanjiro turned to Inosuke incredulously.

"You're a kanoe? Ochako asked Inosuke. "I'm a Hinoto..."

"Huuuh??" Tanjiro now turned to Ochako, confusion growing. 

Ochako tilted her head. "Your hand wasn't all.. you know! Itchy or something in the wisteria mountains?

"I remember feeling an itch but I didn't know I could do that..." Tanjiro started down on his hand As both Inosuke and Ochako stared at him. He seemed to wither in own himself a little, so Insouke yelled "CHEER UP!"while hitting his back a couple times trying to let him know that not everyone knows without saying anything.

Ochako just ruffled Tanjiro's hair. "It's okay, now you know!"

Tanjiro ended up going back first, to get Nezuko so they could get ready to go. "Are we really getting out of here?" Inosuke muttered to Ochako. She was the only person he really talked normally too, now. Ochako looked at her self proclaimed brother, her eyes steel.

"Something already happened to Zenitsu, so of course—"


"Not." Ochako shook her head. "No way in hell. Nothing could've happened to Zenitsu without him knowing beforehand. Tanjiro is no liar, and Tanjiro said Zenitsu was strong. So if something happened the Zenitsu while he was undercover, I don't doubt something could happen to us as we are leaving. Especially after that racket we made earlier. The demon knows we're here. It's either we fight and potentially die, or we lead the demon back to the base, and basically kill everyone until someone kills the demon."

Inosuke stood up, unwrapping his swords. "That answer is obvious! Take down the demon!"


•Ochako would regret not taking Tanjiro and Inosuke away from the red light district, soon.•

•Uh no, Tanjiro was not in the least bit jealous that Inosuke and Ochako got closer. Not him. Wrong guy.•

•Aiden started looking for Zenitsu with Chuntaro as soon as Tengen said he was missing.•

I found the perfect gif that perfectly shows how Ochako kills demons for those of you still wondering how she does. Gif taken from the anime called Kabenari of the Iron Fortress:

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