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The First KissPOV: _(two hunters with unspoken attraction to each other left alone, not a good combo)

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The First Kiss
POV: _(two hunters with unspoken attraction to each other left alone, not a good combo)

You sit in the bunker peacefully. You've got your feet up while flicking through an old comic book you found in the living room. It was Cas's turn for groceries, which he found unfair, but still to save arguments he left. Sam had taken the Impala for a touch up on the paint after it got scuffed during a fight with a few vampires two days ago. They'd both been gone about fifteen minutes and you were already getting a tiny bit bored.

That's when you heard it.

A large clattering bang coming from the back of the place. Your head darted in the direction, hand already got a grip on your gun. You called out for anyone but no one answered that when you took it upon yourself to check it out. You'd had enough rumbles with the supernatural not to listen to instincts and besides things that go bump in the night, are real. And as the saying goes, it isn't really Paranoia if they're really out to get you. Then another loud bang echoed in the house causing your heart to pick up pace, however you keep your cool as you reached the end of the hallway and walk towards the kitchen. One last clatter tells you that your instincts are correct and the noise is coming from the kitchen. So you point your gun, keeping close to the wall as you reach the door. With your boot cladded foot, you push the door open gently, aiming and ready.

"Son of a bitch"

You groan with annoyance.
"Dean!" You snap at him, his head turns around tiredly with an expression that can only be compared to a child being caught with its hand in the cookie jar. "You scared the crap out of me, what the hell are you doing?"
As soon as you told him you were scared, he leered mischievously.
"That's hilarious" He pointed to the gun in your hand. Then he remembered why he was in here and his expression fell into annoyance. "I can't find my anything"
You frown, tucking your gun into your belt.
"What do you mean?" Walking over to where he was.
"To eat!, what happened to all my food?" He cussed out, flickering through the cupboards.
"You ate it all, dumbass" Now your the one laughing. "Cas is on the food run as we speak"
"No" He whined. "Cas isn't human he doesn't know what's good, he bought lettuce and marinated pig ears the last time we sent him"
"First off the only reason why he did that was because you annoyed him before he left and you deserved it, second off I gave him a list of stuff to get and places where he can get them" You crossed your arms. Dean removed his hands from the cupboard handles an let them swing close roughly. "I've got chips in the dining room if your hungry"
His eyes dart a little as his lip pouted,
"Fine" He walked out, passing you by.
"You can share, not eat them all Dean" You say as you follow him out but he's got longer legs than you and speeding towards the dining room. "Dean, don't eat them all, like you did last time, I swear I will kick your ass" You catch up to him but he has your chips under siege.

He smirked, as he chomped away, looking at you triumphantly.
"I'm warning you" You point a finger at him as you walk toward him reaching your hand out but just raises his up. "Dean" You said irritated.
He laughs, turning his back on you, heading toward the living room. But you refuse to let him win, so taking the space between you, you run and jump on to his back like a flying squirrel on steroids. Dean almost chokes from the unexpected turn of events.
"Gimme it" You reach your arm over as he moves drunkard up and down the room.
"No" He retorts trying to buck you off like a bull. You hold on, not giving up the good fight.
"They're mine!" You shout out now practically hanging over his shoulder, trying to reach for his hand.
"I'm hungry!" He swaps the bag into his other hand placed them safely on the table as you reach for them with all your might like a possum falling out of a tree. Instead however, you find yourself grabbed and tossed on the couch upside down. Your chest heaved but you try to get up but he placed his hand on your forehead, you wrap your legs around his arm, pulling him to the couch and caught in your grasp. Dean wriggles with his back practically squashing you into the couch.

"This is what I get for being nice to a pretty eyed idiot" You say under your breath. Dean calms almost to a halt making you confused.
"Pretty eyed?" He repeated. You feel heat rush to your face.
"Idiot" You grit your teeth but using your moment of weakness, he bounces out of your grasp, turning holding your hands down above your head with his weight holding your body down.
"You think I'm pretty?" He asked  breathy and with a smile.
"Get off me dumbass" You get your wrists free from his hands and push hard against his chest. He squints his eyes as he sits up. Quickly you do too with embarrassment flooding through you more than blood. You can feel his eyes heavy on you.
"Hey" He said softly.
"No, enjoy the chips" You said quickly, clearing your throat. You push up on your legs to help yourself up but Dean grabbed your hand gently. "Don't - I'm" Your hesitant and flushed.
"Hey" He says softly again, turning you around to face him, your eyes cling to the floor. He sighs out a smile, when he sees your inflamed face and eyes building of embarrassment tears. "Why are you crying?"
"I think you know why" You swallow tightly. His eyes soften taking in the features of your face.
"Good" He smirked, before licking his bottom lip and reaching down to your level.

He kissed you. Soft and gentle and sure you saw into space and time for a moment but mostly you were confused. You'd been hunting with the brothers grim for just under a year and your feelings for Dean have been hidden most of the time but whenever your both alone it seem things can't stay in the dark. But Dean was a flirt, checked out chicks and got numbers more than old people got flues. However he never seemed to be that way with you, his eyes lingered sometimes sure, a few compliments. Now it seemed all the things you hoped for came together. His hands cupped your face, you felt his thumbs wipe away the fat tears that you hadn't blinked away yet. You take in a deep breath as your hands take hold of his wrists gently. Your lips part for a moment before his hands slide into your hair and kisses you again. Your hands trail from his wrist down his arms, before reaching his chest, you can feel his heart beating quickly like your own. He pulls slowly back, so your lips are still brushing.

"I think you're a pretty eyed idiot too, if it's any consolation" He muttered, voice crackling with amusement. You laugh a little and said.

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