Chapter 6: Cars

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Hey Guys, Sorry for not updating in so long!~ I actually started this chapter awhile ago but only just finished it last night. I hope you guys enjoy it and I should be updating with chapter 7 soon... Once again, I am so sorry that it took me so long to update!!!! SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!~ 

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I tugged the Little Mouse down the halls of the house heading towards the garage. Silly Little Mouse had thought that that was his name! Good thing I had asked the Psycho in the medical ward to take his DNA and find out who he was. We will soon find out your name Little Mouse!

As we arrived at the garage, I turned around to look at the Little Mouse who was still struggling against me trying to get away. Like he would succeed with that he was tiny compared to my tall muscular godly frame!~ He was also looking around with amazement and fear, Aww~ so cute. God I picked up a cute little pet, I chuckle to myself.

I stood there staring at him and he didn’t seem to realize to mesmerized with what he had already seen of the house I guess.

 This house was huge! It was more like a castle than anything I had ever seen, from the outside that is and peering in through the windows. But this place was amazing and it had tones of hallways that curved and turned, it was something that I would surely get lost in! But other than that, how was I ever going to escape when this place was like a maze!
I allowed my eyes to wander a little more before I felt the pressure of someone else looking at me, I turned and saw the man, Kaien, staring at me. What does he want… he looks like he is drooling…. Wait… That is drool! He does want to eat me! Oh God… That’s where he is taking me to get eaten! I struggle even more and he just smirks at me with this strange grin and then I feel like I am being thrown through the air, and then smack! I land on his shoulder with a thump. My tummy hurts now, his shoulder is like a bloody rock! Now I know he is definitely going to eat me.
“Come on Little Mouse, we are going for a drive!” He laughs as he carries me into another room that lights up when it senses us.  Then my eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my head. Seriously, how many cars does one person need! The room is huge and filled with many different cars that look extremely expensive and some even scream that they are going to be fast!
“Well Little Mouse, which one should we take today?” The demon who is going to eat me asks.
I can only look at him, he seriously wants me to pick one of these amazing things when I haven’t even been in one before.
“I d-don’t know, I h-ha-haven’t been in one b-before,” I respond.
“Are you kidding me!!!!” He exclaims in shock, this confirms it this man is most definitely strange… “Well my dear little mousey I will show you the way of the car!”.
I just looked at him in wonder, he was most definitely unusual he hadn’t done anything and he hasn’t even tried anything yet and to me that was the  strangest thing about him. This man also made an effort and forced me to try these things…. Most definitely curious, and different from what I had first witnesses of him.
I was forced out of my musing when I felt a jolt on my arm and the feeling of being lifted. I flailed my arms not understanding as to what was going on until I was placed on a nice comfortable seat. I looked around me and realized I was in a car, it was indeed nice inside and comfortable offering me my enclosed space. I was already liking this whole car thing.
Kaien, or the idiot, got in beside me grinning (I have no idea what over). I was still struggling to understand him…
Then I heard a roar that dragged me out of my thoughts again, I grabbed onto the side of the doors my eyes going wide and looking around as I looked for the source of the noise.  Then Kaien started laughing beside me clutching his stomach as tears poured down his face, was he in pain? My eyebrows furrowed. But that wouldn’t make sense he was laughing so that doesn’t mean he is in pain right… I just looked at this man. What was wrong with him?

“Hahaha!!!! Little Mouse it was the car! You should have seen your face!!!! Hahahaha! Oh wow mouse you are indeed entertaining!” Kaien laughed, while trying to contain himself.
I felt my face heat up and I looked down at my knees.
“Awww, Don’t worry Little Mouse! How were you suppose to know if you had never been in a car while your conscience!” Kaien said trying, I think, to cheer me up.
I nodded my head in response, then lurched forward as we started to speed off. It was ridiculously fast and I clung for life on to the seatbelt which was fastened around me. I stopped myself from squealing when I found the car taking bends and corners at ridiculous speeds, and then felt like squealing even more when I watched as Kaien started playing with his phone.
I was mortified and this confirmed it, he was indeed trying to kill me. I groaned and closed my eyes resting my head on the window.
The next thing I realized was that I was being shaken awake by Kaien. When my eyes fluttered open I saw Kaiens smirking face peering at me. Then I was suddenly grabbed out of the car by Kaien and hurled to my feet. I looked at him confused, seriously what did he want.
“Ready to have some fun?” He asked still smirking at me.
I looked at him, what did he mean? Then I felt myself being spun around. Then my eyes widened at the site in front of me, the mix of the colourful lights and the delicious smell and the music playing loud and proud. And for the first time in a while I felt my heart lift and I was generally excited. 

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I hope you guys enjoyed it! Feel free to comment and I should be posting the next chapter soon!!! :)  

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