Chapter 1 - A New Era (Rewriting)

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(A/N: It's finally here! I decided that instead of separating it into two books, I'll just rewrite the chapters on the old book. That does mean that the old versions of the chapters will no longer be able to be read but that's fine! They weren't that good anyways and definitely didn't do the book any justice. It's not like any great pieces of literature is being lost by me doing so. Anyways, enjoy!) 

    A man walked the street alone, dressed from head to toe in winter attire. It was not an odd sight, seeing as many of the people that surrounded him did the same. It was an average day in the month of January for Jacob. He had just finished school and was on his way home. Though, to do so, he had to pass through the particularly busy square of town.

     "Damn, it's fucking cold," he muttered to himself, "Why didn't I get a car when I had the chance?

     Jacob kept walking, making sure not to bump into people as he passed. People were happy, smiling as they enjoyed their winter day. The same could not be said for Jacob, who had just been dumped by his girlfriend over text. He wore a frown on his face, his eyes slightly red from a mix of crying and the wind blowing in his eyes. However, that all changed as the first shot rang out. The person in front of him dropped to ground, a pool of blood forming underneath them. Panic quickly overtook Jacob as he scrambled for cover, he witnessed more people dropping as the thunderous and unmistakable shot of a gun rang out. That panic, however, was not enough to keep Jacob alive as a bullet went through his back as he was running away. Pain shot through Jacob but it was just as quickly gone as he could feel himself slipping from reality, the cold release of death drawing ever closer. The light at the end of the tunnel became wider until Jacob could no longer feel the cold of the world around him.

     He was lying on his back when he came to. He quickly shot up and looked around, where he was greeted with a scene straight out of fantasy film. There were green rolling hills, with a river flowing nearby. As the sounds of rushing water filled his ears, he felt calm and his worries quickly faded away. As he continued to look around, he noticed a small platform sat 50 feet to his right. On said platform sat two chairs with a table in between them, on the table sat pastries and a steaming teapot. He stood up slowly and headed towards the small platform, making sure to take slow steps as to make sure he was safe. As it became ever apparent that he was safe here, he quickened his steps towards the platform. Jacob stepped onto the platform and continued his slow pace towards the table. He sat down and grabbed a pastry.

     "Ah, you're here," a feminine voice called from behind him. "I'm sorry, I was just finishing some things up. I hope I didn't leave you here for long."

     "N-No, I only just got here," he replied with a shaky voice, turning to look at the voice.

     The voice belonged to a 5'5 girl who had a petite body. Though, she seemed to have a godly aura around her. She wore a empathic smile. 

     "I see... Then let us get started!" she said with a clasp of her hands.

     She took a seat opposite of Jacob and began pouring the tea. She passed him a cup and clasped her hands as she leaned on the table. 

     "Feel free to eat and stuff while I explain. This is going to be... really confusing," she said, prompting Jacob to take a bite of the pastry. "In the easiest way I can explain it is... well... you died and I'm god. I know that you may have been expecting a bearded old man but sadly, that's not how it is. Well, since you died, normally you would've gone to heaven. However, I decided to give you a choice. You can either go to heaven, where you will live the rest of Eternity in peace, or you can go to another world with a power to create a country of your choosing. Like in those stories you read in your spare time."

     He took the time as he finished his pastry to think of his choice. When he did finish, he wiped his mouth and got ready to speak.

     "I would like to go to another world, that sounds like fun." he said with a smile. "I've always wanted to do that."

     She smiled. "I see... I wish you the best, Jacob." 

     As soon as she stopped speaking, a white flash blinded Jacob's vision and the feeling of falling overcame him. Wind started blowing all around him and for some reason, he could feel the ground getting closer. Though, as the ground got closer, he started to slow down. He slowly felt the sensation of the grass touching his skin as the falling sensation subsided. Jacob opened his eyes and saw the world around him, the bird songs and the sound of rushing water filled his ears.

     'Greetings, my name is Avatar Virtual Assistant, or just Ava for short. I will be the one assisting you through creating your country and the system in general. To talk to me, you can just use your thoughts as talking to me out loud might make people think you're crazy. With that out of the way, you can create your first building just by thinking of which building you want to make. Just a warning, you only get a few buildings for free so don't expect to be able to make every building for free. The current tech you're people will start with is late 17th Century in comparison. That's all the information I can give you at this current moment.' a voice said in his head, shocking him at first. 

     Standing up, he noticed himself to be in the middle of the forest. Jacob quickly thought of the Buckingham Palace from his old world, which prompted him with a message. 

     [Placing this here will remove any nearby trees within half a Kilometer and automatically add the wood into the stockpile. Are you sure you want to do this?]

     After mentally confirming that he wanted to place down the building, all the trees around him disappeared and the Buckingham Palace appeared in front of him. As that happened, 120 people also appeared. All of them were wearing archaic clothing from the 17th century. He approached the group and they all began to whisper and mutter among themselves.

     "My people, hear me. Today marks a new beginning for our nation, today we strive to find our place in this new world. We are the Kingdom of England and we shall create our mark in this world!"

     As soon as he finished, the people erupted in cheers. Jacob placed down a builder's workshop, a lumber mill, a Craftsman Shop, a Armourer's shop, a gunsmith's shop, and a blacksmith. Almost immediately, the people went to the jobs that suited them the best but as it stood, many still didn't have a job. He had the builders start building homes for people, the lumber mill to begin chopping down any trees, and for half of the remaining people to start scouting for a good place to build a quarry.

     After a couple of hours, many houses were in the process of being constructed and a couple of places for quarries were marked. It didn't take long for the blacksmiths to make the heads for pickaxes and shovels with the little bit of metal they had, with the Craftsman making the handles and assembling the two parts. In only an hour, 20 pickaxes and shovels were made which allowed the first quarry to be made. 

     As the dark grew closer and as more of the houses completed, people started heading to their homes as if they were automatically assigned by the system. Jacob too retreated to his chambers for the night inside the Palace. It was archaic and had a comfortable looking bed which had drapes all around it. He took off his clothes and put on the nightgown that was in the wardrobe. Lying down in bed, he would stare at the ceiling and think of the events the occurred. It was then that all of it began to take its toll on the young man as he started to break down crying. His friends, his family, everything he knew and love was left behind in his old world. He was alone here, no one except his people that he barely knew around him. He didn't even know if they were living people or just NPCs created by the system, it was enough to drive a man mad. Whatever the case may be, this is the situation that presented itself in front of Jacob and he had to live with it. Though, for now, he will cry himself to sleep. Blissfully unaware of the man that he will grow to be.

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