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The rest of the morning goes by in the blink of an eye. After finding my welcome group, which sadly didn't have any of my friends in it, we played odd games that I never would have thought of. Then we toured the school and took a break for lunch. After lunch we got our schedules.
Frantically my friends and I compared our schedules to see which classes we had in common. I was more interested in whether or not I was placed in orchestra. I scanned the list and found it at the bottom, it read "Period 6 Orchestra" I smiled knowing that I would get a chance to play cello with other people every day.
"Lily," Jenny called from a few feet away. "when do you have english?"
"Um," I looked down at my paper to check, "English with Mrs Michel. what about you?" I glanced up to see her and Carly beaming with excitement.
"So do we!" Jenny squealed shoving her paper at me. I took it and compared our other classes. I perused each line noticing a pattern between the two.
Jenny noticed the gleam in my eye as i saw it, "what is it?" She asked leaning over to take a look.
"They are all the same!" I exclaimed with an ear to ear smile. "All but the last one, I have orchestra and you have tech ed." I couldn't believe my luck we had 5 classes together!

My 7th grade adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now