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I held back my screams as the man dragged the knife slowly up my arm. My father and the rest of his group of monsters laughed in the background, egging the man on. I held back tears, knowing that they wanted me to show weakness.

"Derek," my father said quietly, undeniable authority in his voice. The man, Derek, smiled and sat back down at his spot at the poker table. My father walked over to me, his dark hair a mess. I looked at his blood shot eyes and held back a gag at the smell of the hard liquor on his breath. I quickly looked away, but his fingers pulled me back to him. Starring into his green eyes, I immediately tensed, wondering what he'd do next.

His first flew forward and slammed into my jaw. I moaned in pain and grabbed my jaw, earning a laugh from the monsters. My father let out a chuckle before kicking me in the side. I couldn't hold back the tear that escaped down my cheek that time. My side hadn't heeled completely since he broke three of my rib bones not too long ago, and it felt like he had just stabbed me with a butchers knife, hacking away.

My father glared at the tear and slapped me. The burn of his force stung and I knew I'd have a bruise. I could almost feel the bright red handprint already turning a sickening purple.

"No daughter of mine will be weak." He spat. I looked at him, my silver eyes meeting his green ones. "I'm not weak." I said emotionlessly. "Did I say you could speak bitch?!" He yelled. My heart pounded as I realized my mistake. My eyes widened and I looked at the men, his friends, behind him. An ugly smile was drawn on one of their faces, Kert.

"Kert, come here." My father growled, yet amusement sparkled in his cold eyes. Kert stood, his sadistic smile growing on his thin rat-like face. "What to do with you?" Kert smiled leaning down to me. His deep eyes looked around everywhere, examining everything. He stopped on the back door, then smiled.

"Go grab the hose, girl." He smiled and yanked me up. I ignored the burning pain in my wrist and looked at him. The hose? What on earth could he need that for? "What are you, stupid? Go grab the damn hose!" He yelled, causing me to run outside, ignoring the sting in my legs from being repeativly kicked, and grabbed the hose. What could he need the hose for?

I knew I was in for some new sort of unbearable torcher, but I reluctantly hurried back inside and gave the hose to Kert. "Turn around." He ordered. Why would I need to turn around? What the hell is going on? "Lift up the back of your shirt." Kert ordered, malicious laugher in his voice.

As I lifted the back of my shirt, it finally clicked what was happening, but before I could dodge Kert's attack, he flicked his wrist, and the hose connected with my back.

~ ~ ~

"Hurry up Alice! If you're late I swear-" I couldn't hear the rest of his threat, and looked one more time in the mirror. A cut went from just above my eyebrow, to my cheek bone, reminding me of the black line clowns sometimes have as makeup. While Kert was whipping me, my father called my name, thinking Kert had stopped I turned around, and the hose connected with my face. Luckily for me, it didn't hit my eye.

"At least it won't be a hideous scar." I whispered and put on a tank top over my sports bra. I on my favorite red and black hoodie, flinching when the fabric hit the ripped flesh on my back.
I slipped on my shoes and hurried down the stairs.

Father was sitting in the kitchen, and I waited as he chugged a glass of hard alcohol before grabbing my wrist and yanking me out the door and into his Hummer. I sat in the back, and clenched the seat as my father drove drunkenly.

He stopped the car and ordered me out. I quickly jumped out and he sped off, not even saying goodbye. I turned and looked at my destination. I knew were I was, father dropped me off here all the time. It's where I street fight. Where I'm forced to street fight, The Zone.

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