The Key To My Heart

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The afternoon Taylor asked me to go out with him he texted me and we are going to go out on a date tonight. He is gonna pick me up at 6:00. I'm so excited. Apparently it's a surprise because no matter how many times I ask him he won't tell me. I'm searching through my closet for something nice. I finally found something I'm gonna wear a mint green scuba skirt and a tight black cropped tank. I'm wearing black sneaker heel/wedges and some decent looking makeup. I curled my hair and went down to the kitchen. I grabbed my clutch off the counter and popped a mint into my mouth. I checked the time 5:55 okay almost there. Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Taylor. "You're early", I comment. "Early bird gets the worm, am I right? he joked. (I don't even know why?)I giggled. We linked arms and walked to his car.  He opened the door for me and I hopped in.


Once we got there he jogged around the car and opened the door, held put his hand out and I smiled."You're such a gentle man", I said. That's when he yelled out,  "WEINERRR". I doubled over in laughter. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we walked into a fancy Italian restaurant. "Reservation for two in the name in Caniff" he told the girl at the front desk. She lead is to a table and we sat down. We ordered our food and drinks. "You look amazing" he said. I tried to hide my face because I was blushing. He chuckled. "You look pretty nice yourself Mr.Caniff", I replied. For about five minutes we were just smiling at starting into each others eyes. The waiter broke the silence as she walked over with our food. "Anything else I can get you?"she asked. "No thanks"I said.


He put the check down and we got up. He grabbed my hand swinging our hands back and forth. (Skip car ride)

We stood outside my apartment. "Thank you, Taylor", I thanked him. Without anwering he closed his eyes leaning in and before I knew it his soft lips were touching mine I know it's cliche but I felt sparks. Taylor Michael Caniff you have the key to my heart.


Lol I loved writing this chapter so much it's 11:11 rn where I am lol
Luv yah baes
Type to ya later♡

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