Chapter 2: Red Hot Chili Pepper

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High school was exhausting compared to being home schooled where I could just sit in one place and learn seven different subjects. I plopped onto a table in my last class, Chemistry. Looking around the classroom, I awaited for other students to enter as well. Students here came as late as possible. I couldn't blame them; high school was such a drab, but I was in chemistry. Chemistry is my favorite subject, because I have always been good at it. 

Once the bell rang, the room was bustling with rowdy teenagers awaiting the last hour to end. A short, plump man appeared at the front of the room with a wooden wand. He began to strike each of the water-filled glasses lined along his desk to create harmonious ringing in the air. The class immediately settled down. 

"Excellent," he sputtered. "Welcome to Chemistry, where all the magic occurs. I'm your instructor, Dr. Etherium. Not Mr, because I didn't receive a Ph.D. for nothing. This year we are going to learn about these-these tiny, so so tiny, elements that single-handily gave birth to you and you and you and oh you over there. We are going to embrace them, loved them as if they are our own, which they already are, but you get the point. My classroom will be your magical wonderland to explore you and the world around us."

Suddenly, two boys bustled into the classroom. I recognized the messy brown haired boy who was extremely flustered. He quickly apologized to Dr. Etherium, repeatedly. The other, however, said nothing and stood there, gazing at all the students in the classroom. His eyes locked with mine. He oddly similar to the other boy with the same brunette hair, except a bit shorter, worn slightly slicked back. As he removed his dark sunglasses, in place of browns eyes, he revealed silvery, grey eyes framed with thick brown eyelashes. Their faces were exact replicas of each other that had all the girls in the room swooning.

The hallway boy's face lit up as he saw me wave at him, beckoning him to sit with him. Just as he was about to sit down next to me, the other boy slid into the seat.

"Tough luck, bro," he teased. "Get another seat. Hmm maybe next to that ugly beaver and needle dick over there." 

"Actually, I think you would fit in much better," I retorted. 

"Psh, nice try," he scoffed at me. "But, my dear sweet brother is going to sit there and that's that." 

The boy shrugged at me and forced a half smile as he walked to the table in the back. 

"I apologize for any inconvenience," he smirked. "Oh! Where are my manners?"

"Up your ass," I murmured under my breath. He chuckled. 

"As I was saying," he started again. "My name is Kieran Myers and I suppose you already know Ian."

I stared straight ahead, ignoring his presence. He shrugged and slouched into his chair with his hands on the back of his head.

The bell finally rang as Dr. Etherium's whimsical speech came to an end. I hurriedly grabbed my books and bolted for the door with Kieran right behind me. I sauntered down the entrance stairs and hurried towards my car. Suddenly, a strong hand swiftly grabbed my arm and turned me around against a wall secluded behind shrubs. Kieran placed a finger on my lips to be silent. He slowly moved his face close to mine, peering down at my lowered face. His cold finger lifted my chin and his other hand grazed against my bare arm. I immediately regretted wearing my sleeveless top. I tried to fight away from his grasp, but his grip grew stronger until it hurt. Too frightened to move anymore, I shut my eyes and prayed. Unexpectedly, his grip disappeared and warm arms embraced me. I opened my eyes to find Ian. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, worriedly. I nodded my head, and looked for Kieran, but he was nowhere in sight. 

"Where did he go?" I questioned, utterly confused by his sudden disappearance. Ian shrugged as he let go of me. My body craved for his touch once more. 

"Forget about him. I walk you to your car." An abrupt sound of a motorcycle erupted in the air and familiar leather jacketed man angrily zoomed inches past us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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