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Lisa's Pov

So how do I say this to Jennie I can't force her to stay here cause she also have businesses in Korea

Ah whatever it's up to batman I can do this

My thoughts were cut when someone covered my eyes I didn't panic cause I smelled her scent and it was Jennie

"Hey what's up Manoban! what you doin'?" she cheerfully said I stared at her beautiful face for I don't know for many minutes or seconds

"Earth to Lisa!" she shouted to me god she's so perfect but back to my nervousness god how can I say to her my problem ah whatever I will say it now

"Uhm Jennie....... let's go there I have something to tell you" I pointed the bench in front of us

"What it is?" she face at me with her confuse face

"U-uhm Jennie" fuck why did I stutter "My Mom and Dad wants to meet you tomorrow dinner" it's was just a simple question why am I so nervous to say it to her

"Oh is that so? I can reschedule my flight and don't worry I don't have errands waiting in Korea" looks like she reads my mind and smiled at me

I want to slap my face right now cause I am so dumb I am nervous for nothing!!!

"You don't have to if you don't want" and I saw her eyes is widening and staring at "Okay arraseo" okay that was scary i've never been scared by someone my whole life except my parents

"So....... where do you want to eat it's dinner time already" I broke off the silence


Jennie's Pov

Yesterday we just ate dinner and after that Lisa already took me home

Right now i'm currently finding clothes to wear later at the dinner the truth is I am scared cause what if they don't like me

Arghhh I can't do this I need help from someone I need Irene

"Hey Irene! where are you? I need your help!" why did I panic by the way gosh this is killing me

"Why? what it is? okay okay arraseo..." she then hung up I know she panics too cause of the tone of my voice

After how many minutes she already arrived she is really my bestfriend hahahaha

"What it is Jennie-yah" she really looks worried my only problem is I don't know what to wear later

"Uhmmm........ Lisa's parents invited me for dinner later and I don't know what to wear help me plsss" I know I really look like shit right now but I really don't know what to do

"Omg Jendeukie! what the heck I thought you were pregnant or something jeez you make me feel nervous" she slap me with the pillow she was holding oh they don't know that Lisa is capable to make women pregnant

"Okay.... I'll help you" she then sigh and look at me while she was holding her waist


"Lisa i'm scared what if they will not like me" as we are now inside the gate and walking approaching this big house

By the way Irene is really quick by picking the clothes compare to me it takes how many hours for me to pick so she really does help me

"Don't worry they will love you" she then offer her hands to mine and I gladly accept it too

I feel safe around her I feel the comfort when i'm with her I never felt this kind of feeling before

We then enter the house and jisoos this is so luxurious and a women approach me and hug me with care

"Hi sweet heart! you're so pretty..... what is your name?" omg she's so pretty I guess this is Lisa's mom

"Uh-hm hello Maam my name is Jennie" with bow she then pulled me up and she encircled her arms to my arms

"You don't need to do that sweet heart and don't be formal to me and just call me mom also" she then smiled sweetly to me maybe Lisa got this sweetness from her Mom

"And call me Dad also" a man from nowhere spoke up

"Dad!! why are you like that always you always spoke up from nowhere" Lisa whined like a kid what a cutie

"Hey guys! are we late?" And someone shouted from the door and I was shocked when I saw Seulgi with Irene

"Oh Seulgi are you here already? Come on let's eat already" Lisa's Mom I mean Mom immediately came to Irene then hug her

How did Mom know Irene? Oh maybe Seulgi already introduce Irene to this family

"Oh Jennie! I forgot to tell you earlier that I was invited too cause I was too nervous i'm sorry"

"It's okay Irene" I then smiled at her and hug her tight and me, Irene and Mom proceed to the dinning table

Me and Lisa were beside each other and in front of me is Irene and beside her is Seulgi ( okay wait why is Seulgi here is she Lisa's sister/brother?)

"Lisa is Seulgi your sister?" I whispered at her she then face at me

"Nah but my parents adopt her.... later I will story it to you" she then caress my under chin

We are no currently eating Mom and Dad keeps throwing questions to us

"Uhm Lisa I want to have many grand childs okay" Dad said to us that make us both choked as we are currently eating

Lisa then gave me a water and caress my back softly she then turned to her Dad

"Dad what kind of question is that?" she then chuckle I really finds her cute everytime she chuckles

"There's no problem with my question except that you two are not in relationship" He then smirk at us and I saw Seulgi laughing softly at Lisa

"Uhm Dad we are not" her Dad immediately look at us with a shock face

"Oh is that so but you two act like you are in relationship" he then look at his wife and to Seulgi are they really close that they can communicate through eyes

"So Lisa you should ask her for her permission to court her" Seulgi suddenly said that makes Dad and Mom laugh softly

"Uhm Seulgi I will wait for her whatever it takes I should not rush her okay" ohhh I think my heart just flatter and I felt butterflies in my stomach

Seulgi just had a wow expression on her face as well as Irene

"Uhm Jennie why are turning into red?" and this Irene suddenly spoke

And I saw my face is so red right now cause behind Irene and Seulgi have a big mirror and jeez they are targeting us now

I don't know what to do right now cause they are starring to me while smiling

Suddenly Lisa hug me and she hid my face to her chest and whispered "Shhh I love you"

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