The Last Ride

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The camper van roared past towering trees, traversing through a winding road in the heart of a vast mountain range. Contrast to the quiet scenery, booming music and voices rocked the vehicle from the inside.

Jasper owned the steering wheel with Patrick on his side playing DJ. Mimi was singing, although screaming was the best word for it, Bruno Mars' song, both her legs claiming the entire two-seater row. Danika and Leo were seated at the back, arms around each other, singing at the top of their lungs as well.

The van suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Danika asked, slowly removing her arm from her boyfriend's neck.

Mimi sat upright. "Lemme guess-- We ran out of gas and the cannibals are coming to eat all of us." She said, laughing.

Danika shoved her from the back a little too hard, her head hit the driver's seat.

"Shut up, Mimi!" Danika yelled against the music. It didn't stop Mimi from giggling.

Patrick turned off the music.

"That's strange." Jasper said. He checked on Maps in his phone, zooming in and out with his fingers.

"Dude, there's a detour." Patrick saw the sign and read it: "ROAD CLOSED. DETOUR."

Below was an arrow pointing to the left.

They all looked outside to survey the unpaved road on the side.

"I know what a detour is, fucker. But look." Jasper pointed on his screen. "Here's our destination. It's less than an hour from here if we use the main road." He zoomed out Maps as Patrick leaned in.

Mimi, Danika and Leo stopped whatever they were arguing about and listened.

"That detour road however is not even on Maps!" Jasper exclaimed.

"Maybe your app is outdated." Mimi said as a matter of fact.

"Impossible. My phone receives automatic updates." Jasper answered before opening and climbing out of the vehicle.

The rest followed him outside.

Painted with soft stretches of orange, the sky that day was clear, only a couple of small clouds sailed by. The afternoon sun glinted between the leaves and branches of the tall conifers. An elk squealed from a distance.

"It's so peaceful out here." Patrick whispered.

"Gives me goosebumps." Danika said, rubbing her arms. "Let's just go back, guys. If the road is closed, surely the campground is closed, too."

"Can you call the admin, Mimi?" Jasper asked.

"Brilliant idea. Wait." Mimi went back into the van to get her phone. After checking, she knocked on the closed window and mouthed to them: "No signal" while crossing her hands as a gesture.

"That sucks. Let's head back before sunset." Leo said.

"Strange though. I've just sent a message to mom minutes ago while we're on the road." Patrick explained as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket. "Geez. It's true. No coverage."

"C'mon let's get out of here. I've seen this in movies and nobody gets out alive." Danika pulled Leo's hand.

"Scaredy-cat." Mimi jumped out of the van. "We're here to hike and camp, remember? Don't tell me you're scared of rabbits." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not scared of fucking rabbits but I'm terrified of bears. And serial killers. That's what campgrounds are for, Mimi. Safety." Danika said, rolling her eyes in return.

"What do you think, Jas?" Leo asked, his chin resting on Danika's head, trying to calm her nerves.

"Well, I don't trust this detour. We can't use the closed road. There must be a construction going on. And there's no freaking signal. Let's just head back town and figure what to do next from there." Jasper shrugged.

"Bo--ring." Mimi sang before turning towards the camper van.

"Wait. Why don't we take a picture here before we go?" Patrick suggested.

"Great idea. At least we could accomplish something." Jasper laughed and they all agreed.

If they had known it would be the last photo of them together, they would have taken more shots and given their best smiles.

But no, they had no idea.

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