Mina x fem!reader -Roller skates-

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Now that the stress of exams were finally over and the weather was nice, I had decided to go out on a nice skate trip to the convenience store on my trusty pair of {f/c} roller skates. That was of course after getting permission from Aizawa-sensei.

I sat on the steps in front of the dorms so I could lace up the skates.

Geez it's been a while, I hope I won't fall on my ass.

"Y/n! I didn't know you could skate!" A sweet voice shouted behind me, I whipped my head around to see the bright bubblegum pink girl, Mina.

"Oh hey Mina! Yeah I've been skating since I was 10 or something, it's just been a while." I smile politely. Mina and I weren't close, but that didn't stop me from developing a big ol' lesbian crush on her. It wasn't hard to like Mina. I loved everything about her. From her bubbly personality to her adorable aesthetic, it was all too much for my brain.

"Are you going to the convenience store too?!" She grinned, dropping down next to me to lace up her own pair of hot pink roller blades.

"Uh- yeah! I wanted to help restock the snack pantry." I muttered, gesturing to the small backpack I was taking.

"Oh! Can I come with? I got a list of stuff some people wanted!" She grinned, looking down at her skates. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to come hang out anyways!" She smiled, laying her head on my shoulder. My heart began to pump out of my chest, I felt the words just fall out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Yeah! I'd love for you to come with, I had no idea you could skate. N-not that I didn't think you couldn't I just thought you didn't!" I quickly tried to fix myself.

"Oh yeah I've never brought it up huh? Well I picked up a bunch of hobbies as a kid, since I can't use my quirk to get around I learned how to use these old things." She laughed, tapping her feet together.

"Same! I can't use my wings so I'm just using these." I smiled, looking at anything but her eyes.

"Perfect! Hope you can keep up with me~" She teased before standing up and doing a little spin, making her skirt flow outwards. I nearly had a heart attack right then and there. I quickly got up and nodded. "C'mon silly! Aizawa-sensei said we only have an hour." She grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

Hand! Hand! We're holding hands! Why? What does this mean? Is she just being nice?

"I'm coming!" I cried, catching up with her. She let go of my hand and rummaged through her bag, she pulled out her phone and a large Bluetooth speaker. She put on a playlist and stuck the speaker in the outer pocket of her bag. She grabbed my hand again and pulled me along while singing along to the music.

It didn't take too long to get to the store, she turned the music down while we went through the store to grab our things, which gave me a little while to calm myself down.

This wasn't the first time we had hung out, but this was the first time it was just us. It's nearly impossible to get Mina alone since she was always hanging out with someone. Could this be my chance? It could end terribly but... maybe this was the right time? How would I even do it? I frantically began to look around the store, chocolates? Flowers? They don't have flowers here, maybe I should just ask without a gift?

"Y/n! I got my stuff, you done silly?" She asked, rolling over and wrapping her arms around me, trying to look at my list.

"Y-Yeah! I got them!" I blurted out, my body practically shaking. She was pressed against my back, she fit in between my wings, could she tell my tail was wagging? Her nose brushed against my ear while she was reading my list.

"Mmmmkay! Then we should get going! We still gotta pay." She smiled, pulling away from me.

"Okay!" I followed her to the register so we could quickly pay and get out of the store. I stuffed my bag with the snacks and rolled out of the store, fairly sure my wings were still trembling. I jumped as she turned the music back up and began to dance while skating, she moved as smooth as butter. I could watch her do that for hours, the way her hair flowed in the wind, the way she moved her hands and arms around her body. She looked like a goddess in my eyes, all I could do was pray she didn't notice my blatant staring.

"It's so nice out Y/n! Dance with me! It makes time go by faster!" She shouted, grabbing my hands and pulling me along. "Just follow my movements!" She grinned, doing a simple move. I did my best to mimic it, she nodded and smiled, spinning us around slowly as we went down the road. Her hands moved from my wrists to my hands, intertwining our fingers. "You're doing great! We're almost there, time flies when you're dancing!" She laughs.

"If I fall you gotta catch me!" I laugh, lifting my arm and spinning her around. She spun around and held one of my hands and let one of her hands rest on my waist, I felt my wings flutter at the sudden contact. She smirked and did her best to keep eye contact with me, despite the fact I physically couldn't look at her face for longer than 5 seconds.

I didn't even notice that we had got to Height's Academy until we had come to a stop, still holding each other.

"Uh... Mina?" I muttered, letting one of my hands travel up to her face. "Can I ask you something?"

"Mhm..." she hums, not moving her hand from my waist.

"I'm not even sure if you like girls but-" I took a deep breath and pressed my forehead against hers, I didn't even get to finish my sentence before she looked up, pressing our noses together.

"I most definitely do." She smiles.

"Ah- well um... can we..? Do you want to... be my girlfriend?" I ask slowly, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"I thought you'd never ask~" She smiled, pressing our lips together.

I could have sworn I had died right there, my entire body melted into hers, everything around us faded for just a few seconds. It all faded when she pulled away and smiled.

"MINAAAA!" We both looked to the doors of the dorm to see Denki, Sero, Kirishima and Jiro. 


Its been years since I've written fanfic, go easy on me please haaaa

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