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"Gwends, Gwenda honey" her dad calls, "Pls could you come to the living room now. Your mother and I would like to speak to you". Soon after, the sounds of footsteps hitting wood is heard. "Seriously dad, I was really in the middle of homework, you couldn't have found a better time to talk to me" says angry Gwenda. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hear you say anything?" asks Jacob. 

"No", replies Gwenda after rolling her eyes.

"Good. It better not be. Anyways the reason we called for you is because we have some important news that we'll love to pass out to you".

"Ok, I'm all ears".

"Your mother and I have decided that you move to Nigeria next  to complete your high school there which is 11th and 12th grade. And since it's already summer schools will probably be on vacation, so you'll have enough time to blend in. You'll be staying with your cousin's: Audrey and Andy. 

"What", Gwenda bursts out, " No, no, no, no, Dad. You can't do this please, that country sucks. It's a mini-hell-on-earth. You watch the documentaries on TV, you've heard what people say. I cannot even imagine living there for a week talk less of two years.

"I'm sorry honey but you have to" says Kathy her mom, "It's for your own good. You have to learn some culture and manners". And also visit and explore a new environment.

"Seriously mom, you've all got to stop saying that there are no manners in America. I mean just because you see kids behave anyhow on TV doesn't mean that's how all Americans behave. It's only for entertainment. And besides, there are enough manners and culture here for me to learn. The fact that I love to explore new things does not mean you have to force me to do so. I do it by my free will cos it's my own hobby not yours. Also I don't even know when I'm leaving.

"Oh yeah, about that. You're leaving this Saturday evening with a friend of mine who's leaving for Nigeria that same day". says Jacob.

"Seriously, Ok, you've got to be kidding me, this Saturday and today's Sunday. In just seven days you expect me to pack up all my stuff and just let you whisk me away to another land I have no fu-freaking idea of. It's too short of a notice dad. And you call yourself a strategic planner. That's not how things are done and that's not how things work. I should have had a heads up if about a month.

"I know the notice is too short, I'm sorry but that's the only person I know that is traveling this summer to Nigeria. And you're underage, I can't let you go all by yourself cos it's not allowed. Your mom and I would have followeded you but we have a lot on our plate to handle lately.

"If you're too busy now then how about we wait till next month when you're less busy. That way you can escort me. That seems pretty fair to me".

"Gwenda, you need to leave soon. The earlier the better. Meet new people, get to know kids of your age and the ones that'll be attending your new school who knows. My point is that if you leave very soon, the more you'll be able to blend and fit in with everyone.

"But dad...,"

"No buts", Jacob interjects, "Now you listen to me young lady, your ticket has been booked for and bought so there's no refunding. You'll be leaving on Saturday and that has been finalised. You'll be staying till you're through with high school, then you can come back home to start your college. I'm sure by the time you've spent few months there you won't be missing home that much. The name of the school you'll be attending is BLOOMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL situated at Lekki, Lagos. Both your cousin's are students there so you won't be too lost".

"But dad, I don't wanna leave home. I won't be able to cope. There's nothing wrong with my present school. Please. I promise to be a good child and I'll do anything you ask me to. Just please, don't do this".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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