Fifty six

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* 3rd person pov*

"So niall posted on Instagram a couple hours ago" marie said to ava

"That's nice I guess" ava muttered, she hated talking about him

"Do you know what today is?" Marie pushed

"The 7th?"

Ava knew where Marie was getting at but she continued to play dumb as she scrolled through Pinterest.

"Yeah but what's tonight?"

"No clue, wanna tell me?" Ava asked finally making eye contact with Marie.

"Stop acting dumb! You knew about this tour, you still have your ticket ya know, you should go"

"No way! Not happening!"

"Ava why not? You're moping around all day long because you still love him. I hate that you feel this way, it's been months"

"Exactly! It's been months, I can't just show up like nothing happened. He left me!" Ava exclaimed getting off her bed and walking to the other side of her plain white bedroom.

"So you do still love him?" Marie asked


"You still love Niall?"

"Of course I do, he's him. He's the love of my life" she muttered hugging herself in her arms so she wouldn't cry

"So why the hell are you holding yourself back from him? Hm? If he is the love of your life why haven't you ran back and jumped into his arms because we both know that he has kept them open for the past 6ish months"

"I- I don't know. I'm scared I guess" ava said sitting down against the wall

"Of what?" Marie asked walking over and sitting in front of ava

"Him leaving me again I guess. What if Hailee comes back?"

"Then you put on your big girl Panties and tell her that he is your man Ava. It doesn't matter if it's today or years from now, Niall loves
you and he will always be yours. He doesn't want Hailee or any other super model out there. He wants goofy, smiley, beautiful, one direction obsessed Ava" Marie told her causing Ava to giggled at the last part.

"You sound like you talk to him" she giggled  while wiping the tears off of her face

"That's cause I do, he messages me almost everyday to check on you" Marie smiled causing Ava to look up at her "he does..?" She asked with a smile ghosting her face.

Marie nodded her head making Ava stand to her feet.

"I need to see him M. I need to see him tonight!"

Marie smiled nodding making Ava run to her closet and pull out a white dress and her yellow high tops

"Yes wear that! That's so cute!" Marie squealed

After both of the girls finished getting dressed they both made their way to Marie's car. The concert started in half and hour.

Let's hope they can get there in time

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