Park Hyunsoo

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Name: Park Hyunsoo Best friends: the fashionista and the skater girl Age: 17 Birthday: Feb 2, 2002

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Name: Park Hyunsoo
Best friends: the fashionista and the skater girl
Age: 17
Birthday: Feb 2, 2002

Weight: 57kg
Height: 5'0
Blood type: O
Personality: savage, rebellious sometimes, very soft, and girly

Backstory: she never really had friends before, she would always be lonely. When once was bullied before at school, but the girls went and defended her. She loves the group and treats them like family. She once had a boyfriend but he never treated her right so she dumped him and moved on.  She always thinks on the bright side and has fun with her friends

~ she loves it when you go and cuddle with her
~ can't really stand the rain
~ hates it when people bully her group of friends so she would roast them
~ will do anything for her friends
~ she loves the color pink
~ loves to eat chocolate cover strawberries

~chocolate strawberries
~ pink
~ her friends
~ cuddling
~ staying up at night

~ being picked on
~ being yelled at
~ the rain
~ her ex
~ animal abuse

Turns into a vampire: Yes

Love interest:

Username: me uwu Slot: THE MAKNAE face claim: yeri from red velvet

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Username: me uwu
face claim: yeri from red velvet

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