Chapter 1

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MAY 19, 2020

This has got to be the most frustrating and stressful part of wedding planning so far. I came back home to finish my planning but instead I find myself combing through endless photos, trying to find anything I can use for our stupid slideshow.

Why am I the one doing this again? Isn't this what bridesmaids are for?

I can't believe how few pictures of me exist; much less anything that I'd actually want other people to see.

I continue scrolling deeper into my photos, cringing more and more at each picture of me in my university years.

A few years really does make a world of difference.

After what feels like an eternity of searching, I finally find the very first photo of Tristan and I. As I'm about to click our smiling faces, a small bubble appears on my screen.

7 years ago

I click the little blue circle, curious to see what memories it might bring up. A photo of me in a pink gown covered in sequins and glitters fills my screen. Prom was seven years ago today. I flip through the album slowly, smiling at the memory of that night.

I stop when I come across a photo of our whole group posed in front of our limo. I quickly paste the picture into the group chat for my two best friends to see, knowing they'd find it just as amusing as I did. Within seconds I get a response.

Chelsea: LOL I can't believe we actually used to look like that

Hailey: hahahaha definitely posting this on my instagram

I go on scrolling through the rest of the pictures, sending all the cringe-worthy ones straight into the group chat.

The very last picture was of me fastening a flower to my prom date's suit; or at least trying to anyway.

The last time I really saw Harry was that night. We'd kept minimal contact over the years and I think I might've seen him at the mall once, but I really knew nothing about him. The only update I had was his recent trip to New York with his girlfriend, which I saw on Instagram.

He always did want to see New York. He always dreamed of one day selling out Madison Square Garden.

Crazy to think that someone you knew so well in the past could be a complete stranger to you only a few years later.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by another notification, this time coming from my phone.

@hailey_dane19 mentioned you in a story

I set my laptop down on the black coffee table in front of me and grab my phone from the spot next to me on the couch. I unlock the screen and it opens to the group photo I sent earlier in the chat. I study each of our beaming faces, remembering how eager we were for our parents to finish taking pictures.

My eyes land on Harry at the very end of the line, standing next to me, barely smiling. I look to the bottom of my screen and see that Hailey tagged him too. I let my nosiness get the best of me and I click his name, bringing me to his page. But it was empty.

Why did he take all his pictures down? I swear he just posted about his New York trip two weeks ago. I switch over to Facebook and search for his profile. I click through his page to get to his photos and find nothing from the last two years. Why did he delete all his recent posts? They were all of him and his girlfriend. Did they break up? I go back to his relationship status and it all makes sense.

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