Part One: A New Enemy

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“Are you certain you want to do this? It could lead to disastrous consequences in the future and beyond.” said a man whose face was hidden in the dark folds of his cloak. An old man with white hair dressed in a green suit, a white buttoned shirt, a brown vest that matched his trousers, a top hat, and dress shoes nodded. “Yes,” he said. The man in the cloak seemed to frown. “Even with the possibility that the future will be endangered?” he asked.
        The old man, getting impatient, nodded again. “Yes, yes I do!” he said quickly. The man in the cloak handed the old man a small metal disk. “For what reason, Wizard of Oz?” the man asked. The Wizard sighed and turned his back to the man in the cloak. “That is none of your concern. My business is not yours. Good day, and thank you.” With that, the Wizard of Oz was gone. The man in the cloak smirked.
    “I know what you want Wizard, and why you wanted my Disc...For indeed, you are endangering your future, and your Land’s future.” he said darkly before laughing maniacally. 

                                                   Seven Years Later

“Your Majesty, must you pace so much?” asked Erik Greenland, an officer, and Captain of the Emerald City Knights. Erik is 19-years-old with dark brown hair and a forming beard. He dressed in all green, even his sword was green being cut from the emeralds that were mined to build the Emerald City.
      Erik is right now standing in the grand Throne Room, holding his helmet, his emerald Sword in its holster at his side. The person who is pacing to and fro in front of him was the King of Oz, the Scarecrow. The Scarecrow wore an emerald green uniform that was tied together with a dark red sash with two medals pinned to it. One of these medals was shaped like the sun with the word “Oz” welded into it. This is the King’s Medal, meaning whoever wears this medal is the King. But it is more of a promotion brooch than just something to wear.
     The Scarecrow wore a dark red sash-belt around the extremely thin waist of his uniform. He also wore boots that were a darker shade of green; as well as some black pants. His gloves were magenta and his hat, despite being worn, was a lust shade of green with a dark red band around it. 
          The Scarecrow also wore gold shoulder plates on his small shoulders and attached to those plates was a long red velvet cape that billowed out whenever he moved. The intelligent being became King two years ago and before that, he was just “in charge”. The Wizard placed the Scarecrow in charge because he was wise. Upon hearing what a fantastic job the Scarecrow was doing in the Emerald City, the Wizard decided to make him a leader permanently. Therefore, giving him the King’s Medal and the cape. Sure, it wouldn’t sound fair to the two other sub-leaders of the Emerald City, the Tin Man and the once Cowardly Lion. But the Scarecrow was basically requested to be a leader, regardless of the two cohorts he worked with.
     Other good news is that the evil that brewed in the Land of Oz was gone. Now, Oz has new rulers as well as old ones. Glinda the Good Witch of the South and the Good Witch of the North are still Oz’s former rulers, however, the East and West had none. So the Tin Man ruled the West and the Lion ruled the East, leaving the Emerald City to the Scarecrow.
      Before these events, a girl named Dorothy Gale saved Oz four times. The first time was against the Wicked Witch of the West, the second time was against her cousin, Mombi, the third time was against the Nome King, who wanted the Emerald City for himself. The final time was against the Jester, the younger brother of the Wicked Witches of the East and West. Thanks to Dorothy, the evil in Oz is gone for good. However, the Scarecrow has been having superstitious thoughts that even though the source of the black magic is gone, leftovers could be scattered around somewhere, and could creep its way back to Oz.
  Today, however, the Scarecrow had no time for these thoughts, because of a miracle that he has been waiting on for nine starting.

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