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Julian has been one of my best friends since freshman year, when we began playing football together. While the other boys would keep me out of conversations, he would always include me and we'd talk about everything: from the team we were playing that week to our biggest goals in life. Even one of the coaches told us that we should hurry up and date already, and while I laughed it off, I knew deep down I was beginning to develop feelings for Julian, or as I liked to call him, Jules. 

One day sophomore year, Jules and I were talking about the usual nonsense when he looked at me and asked if we could be serious for a second, and although I was concerned I said of course.

"So there's this girl," Jules said looking up at me, and as soon as he said this my heart shattered,

"Aww!! What's her name?" I tried to hide my disappointment with curiosity, 

"Nina," Jules blushed, "but I need help, what do I say to her?"

"Well," I replied, trying to shove my feelings back into the hole they came from, " what do you like about her?" Jules then told me everything about this girl, from her eye color to which pen is her favorite. "Wow, you must really like her,"

"I do! Cara, I know we don't usually talk about this stuff, but can you help me?" Jules made his classic puppy dog eyes, and of course I melted,

"Of course I'll help you," and his puppy eyes were replaced with a smile, "So first..." I went on and gave him the best advice I could, I told him to say to her what I wished he'd say to me.

The next day, he told me that he had a date that weekend, and I told him that I was proud of him, I was only half lying, I was proud of him but I was more disappointed that I didn't say anything when I had the chance. But that was it, they began dating almost immediately, and they are still together today. There was one week where they broke up in my junior year, but I missed my shot then too. Jules and I stayed really close though, and at our last football game senior year, we promised that it wouldn't be the end of our friendship, which leads us to this summer... 

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