Chapter 1- She's Mine!

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"Come on Luce" the sexy pink head growled pinning her onto his locker. "Just give in" he whispered into her ear. He didn't intend to hurt her, so she was able to slip out. A creamy pink creeped along her pale skin.

"I said No!" Natsu huffed at her response. He leaned down close to her ear and whispered "you'll be mine soon" his hot breath brushing on her ear. She smirked to herself a little.

"Not today pinky" she wispered back in her sexiest voice. She places her finger on his chin lifting it up. Natsu blushes a little, but hides it. "Someday you will" she smirked. Turing around to leave. She only got a little down the hallway before bumping into a muscular figure.

"Hey cutie~" the muscular man smirks. She decided to flirt back. Knowing who was watching. "Hey hot stuff~" she took a lock of her golden hair placing it behind her ear. Natsu growled lowly. Placing a hand around her waist.

"Fuck off she's mine!" The man smirked at him. "Oh really? Then why is she flirting back? Isn't that right babe~" he grabbed her waist pulling Lucy closer to him. The man lifted her chin so that their lips were inches apart. Natsu growls louder.

Lucy liked making Natsu jealous, so she continued to play along. "Your right babe~" she closed the gap between them. Natsu growled as the man pinned her on the locker. The man's hands trailing along her body.

Natsu sighed he did want to do something he would regret later. "Have fun. I am going to class." He waved half-heartedly walking away.
As soon as Lucy felt Natsu's presents leave she pushed the guy off her. "Ewww, Ewww you suck at kissing" she rubbed her lips violently.

"What do you mean babe we were having fun~" The male tried to kiss her again. "Leave me alone!" She spat with venom. She tried to struggle out of his grip, but it was no use. The man forcibly pinned her back onto the locker and kissed her again.

Lucy tried to escape his grip again, but it was no use he was too strong. She managed to separate their lips. "Please get off me" tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.

"Why? you're the one who kissed me~" he purred kissing her neck. "It was only to make him jealous" her bangs covering her eyes. He stopped kissing he and looked up. "Who?" He raised an eyebrow. She looked at him as if he was dumb. "You dumb" she restored. "The guy who was like just standing there" she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh him? You just did it to mess with him" he growled in his ear. She didn't know what to say, so she kept silent. "What happened to all that confidence?" She smirked, but soon sighed. "Fine you can go, but if you do that again with me you won't be so lucky" he waked off leaving her standing there.

"Thank god" She muttered to herself. Suddenly she remembered "....... I'm late for class!" She shouted running full speed ahead to her next class. Lucy didn't see Natsu in any of her classes, and they had all their classes together. Lucy was starting to get worried, so she asked Levy her best friend.

"Levy have you seen Natsu?" She acted as if she did care and was just asking for no reason, but inside she was freaking out. Did he leave because of the kiss? "Sorry Lu I haven't seen him" she shakes her head.

Lucy was now freaking out more. It was almost the end of last period so Lucy could get out of class easily. "Miss may I go to the bathroom" she raised her hand. As soon the teacher nodded Lucy ran out of the classroom like her life depended on it. "She must have really needed to go" on kid Snickers.

Natsu had bandages wrapped his knuckles and hands. He was in the bathroom trying to clam himself down. Meanwhile, Lucy was searching far and wide for Natsu. She hadn't found one sign of him anywhere. That was until she spotted the guy she kissed earlier. He was all brushed and had bandages wrapped all around his body.

Natsu raised his chest up and down slowly collecting his breathing. "Hey!" Lucy called out to the guy. The guys eyes turned dark, and he started to back away. He was shaking a little. Weird Lucy thought to herself.

"" He cowered. Lucy started at him a couple of seconds before coming back to reality. "Are you okay?" He nodded. "What do you want?"

"Have you seen the pink haired dude?" She knew he didn't like his hair being called pink, but he wasn't hear so it wouldn't hurt him, right? "N-no" she stuttered. She didn't believe him one bit. "Really because to me you seem to be hiding something"

"W-why d...o you wa..nt to kn..ow?" He was still shaking. "He didn't go to any of his classes. So now answer" Lucy was starting to get irritated. "He told me not to tell anyone" he looked as if he got more scared. "Does it look like I care?" Suddenly an idea popped into her head. It probably wasn't the best idea, but it would have to do. "I am his girlfriend, so tell me"

"No you're not" he walked away. Lucy stood there dumbfounded. What's his problem? "Ahhhhh" Lucy yelled him frustration. "Whatever. Why am I even looking for him" she shock her head. I could be at home taking a bath she thought to herself.

By then Natsu was already at home. Lucy walked out of school realizing he wasn't there. It was already 6 pm. "Shit! Why did I stay so long looking for him?" Lucy sighed in relief. She lived by herself so no one would get mad at her for coming home late.

Lucy had always wanted to be a writer. It is something she did to escape the world, to escape reality. Lucy was currently writing a book. So before she went to bed she wrote 1 or 2 chapters before falling asleep on the wooden desk.

RP with: fairygirl2006

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