Chapter 15

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Before going to dinner at Pruitt's house, Andy and Robert went to their respective houses to change, Robert would have come to pick her up shortly after. As they headed to Pruitt, Robert was agitated, he didn't know how he would react as soon as he found out about them. All the way, Andy tried to calm him down, every time they were stopped at a traffic light, Andy took Robert's hand to reassure him, which worked at that moment until they parked the car in front of Pruitt's house. Both got out of the car, Andy took Robert's hand again and headed for the door.

P: "Hi Andy"

A: "Hello dad"

P: "Sullivan? What are you doing here?"

R: "Well .. here I am.." Andy intervened

A: "He accompanied me, let's talk about it later. Can we go in or do we have to stay out?"

P: "Ah yes yes you go in"

All three of them sat down on the sofa, it was still early to have dinner.

A: "Before I start asking questions about me and Robert I have to talk to you." Pruitt nodded. "I'm sorry I treated you badly when you told me that the cancer had returned and you didn't want to be treated anymore. I was very angry at the time, maybe I am still a little bit, but I understand why. Robert helped me understand your motives, and for what we will say shortly, please don't get angry and try to understand"

P: "It's all right Andy, I knew you would be angry, but I also knew that in the end you would understand. What do you have to tell me? You didn't get married, did you?"

R: "No no, we didn't get married" he said embarrassed.

A: "We are in love, we are going out together and nobody knows, only Maya and Vic know it."

P: "And what do I center? I don't know what you expect me to say. Why are you telling me?"

R: "Out of respect, it is better that you know it from us before you hear voices"

P: "I understand it. Thanks for telling me. Robert? Welcome to the family"

R: "Thank you sir"

P: "Pruitt, call me Pruitt too"

R: "Okay"

A: "Shall we eat? I'm hungry now!"

P: "Let's go. Andy take one more dish"

During dinner they talked a lot, Pruitt told many anecdotes about when Andy was small even if she didn't want to. Robert told of his family, he told of when he lost his wife, Pruitt was present in that call, Andy was very surprised to see Robert who opened up with them and was happy. Before Andy and Robert left, Andy went to his old room to get the latest stuff. Meanwhile Pruitt said something to Robert without Andy hearing him.

P: "I'm glad Andy has someone who will take care of her when I'm gone"

At those words Robert put a hand on Pruitt's shoulder and said: "I will always take care of her"

Andy went back into the living room and saw Robert with one hand on his father's shoulder, he smiled but didn't ask why. He was just happy that evening and wanted to enjoy the moment. Before the two returned home Andy convinced Robert to go to the ice cream shop. Once they arrived at Robert's house, they took the ice cream, two teaspoons and went to the garden under the stars to eat it. While they ate ice cream they talked about the evening.

A: "It went well didn't it?"

R: "Yes yes, I was so nervous, but in the end I relaxed"

A: "I told you it wouldn't be as terrible as you thought"

R: "You were right" he gave her a big smile, then continued "You know while we were going home I was thinking about what Pruitt said.."

A: "What exactly? He said too many things"

R: "I was thinking about when he asked us if we got married. I was thinking that I would like to get married with you, spend all my life together. And then it would be nice for Pruitt if he could accompany you.."

Andy did not know what to say, approached him and put himself in his arms.

A: "Doesn't it seem too early? That is.. we have known each other for a while now, but we mainly know only the beautiful things about each other.."

R: "We will have time for this, won't we? Meanwhile, we have already quarreled, we have spoken and made peace, we know how to do this. I am very precise, I like to keep everything under control and things must always be in their place and I get angry very easily"

Andy, smiling: "Well I get angry easily too, I hate doing laundry, I like to eat sugar-filled cereals with my hands straight from the box and .. I was with Jack, he also asked me to marry him, of course I said no"

R: "With Gibson?"

A: "Yes, but for me it was nothing serious. Now we are just friends and I would like to continue being her friend"

R: "Ok" sighing then continue "In the veteran's call, when we fought, I felt a lot of pain in the leg .. the pain came back, tomorrow morning I have an appointment in the hospital for a check"

A: "Oh Robert I'm sorry" approaches him to give him a kiss "Whatever I am for, I won't leave you alone and tomorrow morning I will go with you, I don't accept no for an answer"

R: "Okay, but tell Maya you will be late, okay?"

A: "Ok, I'll call you and come back to you"

Andy went back into the house and went up to the bedroom to call Maya. He only told her that she would arrive a little late, without specifying the real reason, and that she would take her place until the return. When he closed the phone he saw Robert who was leaning against the bedroom door and looking at her. They sat on the bed to pamper themselves and fell asleep in each other's arms until the sound of the alarm clock. The time had come for the hospital visit.

Will there be any problems in Robert's leg? The next chapter will be published next Monday ;)

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