Chap 2 i dont need saving

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Allison's pov

It was maybe 4:30 in the morning when I woke up from a nightmare but it wasn't just any nightmare it was a repeat of what happened to my parents every once in a while I'd have this dream but for some reason it was worse this time and I'm not quite sure why I try going back to sleep but it was no use I was already awake I got up and grabbed a jacket before walking downstairs and putting my shoes on maybe a late night walk will help I thought to myself before I walked out the door locking it behind me I started walking i walked for a little while till i had the feeling I was being followed I stopped and turned around seeing no one once I turned around again I jumped seeing damon infront of me I looked at him saying damn it damon don't do that he looked at me saying why are you out this late what are you doing i say I need to clear my head I couldn't sleep he looked at me and started walking with saying that same nightmare? I nodded saying ya I can't get rid of it he smiled and stopped saying there's always compulsion I stopped saying no I'm not gonna have you compel me beside I doubt It'd work I looked down as we started walking again r some reason I also couldn't stop thinking about Elijah and what Stefan told me earlier should I listen to him? I mean Elijah doesn't seem like he'd mean anything harm i don't think he'd hurt me... i looked at Damon as he says ok I know what face what are you thinking about I say just something stefan told me I'm contemplating on whether I should listen to him damon says well I wouldn't listen but it depends on what he told you not to do I looked at him saying well I met this guy earlier and I feel like I can trust him and I feel like he won't hurt me but stefan thinks otherwise and he told me to stay away from him damon looked at me saying and who's this guy I say his  names Elijah I looked down at my necklace and smiled a little Damon looked at me saying you listen to stefan I looked at him saying but why he seems fine damon looked at me saying no ally he's trouble he may be known as the noble one of his family but he's just the same as his family that's Klaus's brother I agree with stefan you shouldn't seen him I looked at him saying Damon he's not like them and I don't need you and stefan warning me about a guy who's no harm I'm fine and you don't need to worry about me just stick to worrying about Elena he sighed saying your so stubborn I say i know I started walking till I reached my house I looked at Damon saying goodnight damon and don't think about doing anything stupid he says goodnight and I'm serious listen to stefan I rolled my eyes and walked inside and locked the door before going back upstairs to my room once I got to my room I walked over to my window I watched as I seen the sun start to rise I walked over and got back into bed trying to fall asleep again
A few hours later
I woke up to the sound of yelling downstairs I got up walking over to my door I walked out of my room and downstairs I looked over into the kitchen as I seen Elena and the salvatores arguing with someone I looked at the man for a moment before realizing it was Klaus I walked over saying will you all shut up please I walked over to the fridge grabbing a water before I turned around and looked at them Klaus smiled at me saying hello love i looked at him saying hello Klaus Elena looked at me saying ally what happened yesterday I say what do you mean she says stefan said Elijah walked you home yesterday what happened I say nothing we ran into eachother when we were walking and he offered to walk me home what's the big deal she says the big deal is he's a mikaelson Klaus looked at her saying alright love let's not be harsh not all my family is insane Elijahs well the normal one stefan says Ya right I have a hard time believing that one Klaus and Allison you'll stay around us we're not allowing this I rolled my eyes saying I don't need Saving guys I'm fine I can't take care of myself elena looked at me saying alli.... I cut her off saying I gotta get to school I walked over to the living room and grabbed my bag before walking out the door I stopped at Caroline's and got her and then we started walking together I looked at caroline as she looked at me saying are you ok I say ya just Elena and the salvatores she says what's wrong i say well they want me to not see this guy she looked at me saying who's the guy I say Elijah she says Klaus's brother? I say ya i don't know why but I just have a feeling I can trust him care I know he wouldn't hurt me in purpose or anything like that she nodded saying don't listen to them I mean I'm not I gave her a confused look saying what do you mean? She says well I um heh I've been talking to Klaus when Elena and them told me not too i say omg care you and Klaus! She says shut up we're just friends I looked at her saying sure she hit my should and then noticed the necklace she looked down at it and then me saying where did you get that it's so pretty I say Elijah gave it to me last night she says wow I nodded once we got to school we went in and got ready for Class
After school
I walked out of the school with Caroline bonnie and Elena we were just talking about random stuff when the salvatores brother walked over to us and started walking with us I rolled me eyes and then looked over seeing Elijah talking to rebekah he looked over and seen me i smiled and started walking over till Damon grabbed my arm saying don't even think about it i rolled my eyes saying I'll do what I want care would you like to join me she smiled saying sure we then walked over to Elijah and rebekah Elijah smiled saying hello Allison I smiled saying hello Elijah he looked at me saying the necklace looks lovely on you I smiled saying thank you I looked at rebekah as she says Allison Caroline would you like to go shopping with me? I need to get a dress for the bonfire tomorrow night I say sure caroline nodded saying I'd love too I looked at Elijah saying I'll see you later? He nodded saying yeah rebekah smiled saying don't worry Elijah she'll be fine with me I won't torment her to much Elijah chuckled saying alright I walked with Caroline and rebekahs to rebekahs Car I hopped in the back seat while caroline took the front seat rebekah got in and then started driving

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