baking bad (H2OVanoss)

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Ft. Ohmtoonz and Terrorsnuckle
(NOTE: this was written before any discourse or whatever happened on twitter but I like it too much to not post it)

The bakery wasn't his idea. He'd have to give Ryan credit for helping him find his passion, which eventually led to him having his dream career. For that, Jonathan was incredibly grateful.

"Y'know, you basically owe me your life." Ryan said, airily sliding himself on the counter. Okay, he was thankful, but maybe not THAT thankful.

"Get off that! I prepare food there!" Jon whined, shoving Ryan off the counter. "Anyway, I'm not setting you up with Luke. He will fall in love with you naturally."

"I doubt that." Ryan sighed. Somehow catching himself as fell, he whipped around to prop himself on his elbow, leaning against the counter. "But hey, if you'll ever reconsider-"

"Nah." Jon chuckled. "Think I'll let fate decide."

"Oh yeah? Last time you said that, the police busted in and searched the place top to bottom." Ryan pointed out.

"Yeah, that seems to happen quite a bit lately." Jon mumbled, hopping over the counter to wipe down a few tables.

"Are you sure you're not some mafia crime-lord that's using the bakery as a front for some serious illegal shit?" Ryan giggled, turning to face Jon.

He snickered. "I wish. Then maybe they'd actually find something when they undoubtedly search the place AGAIN."

"Mhm." Ryan hummed, a devious smirk forming in his mouth. "And uh, what do you think of the cop?"

"What'dya mean?" Jon asked, face twisting with visible confusion.

"He's cute is all I'm sayin'" Ryan shrugged.

"I thought you were all obsessed with Luke?" Jon rolled his eyes, thinking of what Luke would say if he heard this conversation.

"Oh yeah. He's not MY type, but I'm sure you wouldn't object. The man is beautiful!"

"I guess." He was good-looking, anyone would agree, but the detective didn't seem like he was looking for a date out of Jon, who was somewhat of a suspect, despite being completely innocent.

"Don't tell me I'm wrong." Ryan continued. "You've got the looks."

"If you're just tryna butter me up so I'll get you that date-" Jonathan started, pointing an accusing finger at the other.

"I would never!" Ryan fake scoffed. "Trust me, man. You're stunning."

"Well, thank you, but aren't you late for work?" Jon commented, pointing up at the clock on the wall above him.

"Shit!" Ryan exclaimed, grabbing the sweater he had thrown onto a random chair before entering, and bolting out the door.

"Nice seein' you too." Jon muttered, flipping the 'Closed' sign to open up his shop.

It took a while for it to happen, but it did: Detective Evan Fong, a little less energetic than usual, shuffled into the bakery, with an expression to put a bulldog to shame.

"Someone's not in a good mood." Jon smiled, leaning forward on the counter a bit.

Evan's fluffy hair was messed up, tired bags framed his eyes and his mouth was pulled into a sour pout. However, with his natural good-looks and a brown leather jacket over a slightly faded red top and black skinny jeans, he still managed to look his usual mesmerisingly handsome self.

"No shit." Evan huffed, slamming a ten dollar bill onto the counter beside Jon.

"Oh, I see you're actually buying something this time." Jon chuckled. "What can I get ya?"

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