Introduction: The reason why you're here

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       You are brought here and it is not an accident. It is part of God's plan. God knows what's inside your heart and he brought you here to know the truth. He will give you hope for any situation. Love, Career, friends, high school life, etc. The Holy Spirit will teach us and will make my hand move as I type through this page. 

The latest question, "If God loves me, why am I in this situation?" God will let you experience such things. He will surely save you from that problem you just have to put your trust in him. Do not worry, problems will just be a lesson for you and to spread to everyone to give hope for those in need. That experience will only last for a short time and the happy moments will last forever for GOD IS LOVE. He will give you STRENGTH, so in your future, you will be ready, GOD HAS A BETTER PLAN THAN OURS, I am telling you. GOD HAS A BETTER PLAN and I DID NOT REGRET ON FOLLOWING HIM. 

        When the time comes that God saved you, it's your time to spread to everyone who has the same experience as yours and let them be inspired not because of what you have and what you did, it's WHO YOU HAVE and that's Jesus Christ and GOD. Jesus Christ and God are only ONE. Jesus Christ, GOD and HOLY SPIRIT. Three-in-one. Jesus Christ is God's son, whom saved us from our sins, past, present and future. Just repent to him, to GOD. Ask for forgiveness and always remember, no matter what your position in your life is, no matter what you say to yourself like, "yeah! I am useless. Yeah, I am stupid!" So what? God still loves you and he's just waiting for you to stand infront of him and say, "Father, I love you. Please, take the wheel of my life."

        God wanted all of us to stand infront of him and lower our pride. No matter what the set of your mind is, he will accept you and heal your wounds of the past. You will become the new you. He will transform you. 

In my experience, I've witnessed a lot in my life and through this one shot stories, I will use true to life situations but fictional characters. It may be based on my life or anyone's. 

        Now, the question again? "If God loves me, why am I in this situation?" 

        I am going to bring back the question, "If God loves you, why, in this situation, are you reading and led to this book?" 

Love? Family? Career? Friends? Oh yeah! Read now :D

GOD BLESS! :D Continue on reading. 

One Shot Stories: All About GODTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon