When love calls your name II

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"Meryl?", Cher was in shock. She had no clue of what was happening.

Meryl smiled. "Come", she handed her hand for Cher to take. Cher didn't say anything and followed her.

As they both walked along a candlelit path they finally came to a table that was right in front of the sea. The table was made out of wood, very rustic with a white tablecloth on top. In the center were candles, plates, silverware, wine glasses, and a bottle of wine.

Meryl pulled out the chair for Cher, as soon as she sat down Meryl went to her chair and sat down too.

"Ok,  I don't know what's happening but can I just say you look f*cking gorgeous", Cher said astonished. 

•this is what she looked like•

"Thank you the same goes to you", Meryl said reaching for Cher's hand

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"Thank you the same goes to you", Meryl said reaching for Cher's hand.

"I now know what you were busy with", she giggled.

"I wanted to surprise you", Meryl smiled.

"Well you got me", Cher smiled back.

"Wine?", Meryl asked and Cher nodded.

"So.. what's the occasion? Not that I complain I just wasn't expecting this at all", Cher said looking at how the place was decorated.

"Nothing, I just wanted to do something special for you", Meryl had to lie.

"Thank you", Cher said looking at Meryl's eyes and at the same time she did her iconic tongue move. Cher knew that move killed Meryl.

"Stop that, you know how much I fall for that move of yours", Meryl laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Alright, alright, my bad", Cher said.

"Are you ready?", Meryl asked so she could signal the waiter to bring their dinner.

"To eat you? Yes, always", Cher said looking straight into Meryl's eyes.

"I meant ready for the food", Meryl blushed.

"Well you should've been more specific. Yes, I'm ready for that too", Cher loved to make Meryl blushed.

Meryl signal the waiter to come in and serve them both their food.

"I chose a three course dinner. We are having a strawberry salad, smoked salmon and for dessert, me", Meryl wanted to tease Cher just as she did first.

"Really? Can't we skip ahead to the dessert then?", Cher knew what Meryl was trying to do. She wanted to tease her back and she wasn't going to let her win.

Once they finished with their salad the waiter removed their plate and served them the smoked salmon.

While they ate there was silence, a comfortable silence for both of them. Cher threw glances at her and Meryl returned them. Finally they finished and the waiter came back to remove the dishes.

"You liked it?", Meryl asked.

"I did. But", Cher looked at Meryl.

"But?", Meryl asked worried.

"I want my dessert now", Cher was provoking Meryl.

"You can have that later", Meryl winked. "Let's go for a walk", Meryl stood up from her chair took her heels off and stretched her hand for Cher to take. Cher nodded, took her heels off and grabbed her hand.

As they walked along the beach, still holding their hands not wanting to let go, the only thing they could hear was the waves of the sea, how they came and leave. It was already getting dark so Meryl knew it was time to do it.
She stopped walking and took a deep breath.

"Are you alright? We can go back if you want", Cher asked concerned.

Meryl shook her head and smiled. "Cher", paused grabbing now both of Cher's hands.

"Yes?", Cher asked confused.

"I'm tired of not giving a name to this thing we have between us. I'm guessing you are tired too so that's why I planned this out. You deserve so much and tonight I want to ask you", she took a deep breath. "I know it's going to be hard for both of us to go through this but as long as we have each other we'll make it. I'm not saying it will be easier to confront people but we'll make it once we know it's the right time to do it. So here I am standing in front of you. Cher, would you like to be my girlfriend?", Meryl was still holding Cher not letting her go. She felt how sweaty her hands were already from all the nervousness.

Cher was really taken out of breath, she wasn't expecting this at all. She could feel her heart beat out of her chest. Her eyes were glazing with tears ready to roll down her cheeks. "But what about Don?", Cher wanted to say yes but she needed to clarify the thing involving Don.

"Don and I are getting a divorce. I asked him for the divorce. I only want to be with you and no one else", Meryl said as she wiped Cher's tears.

Cher didn't say anything, all she could do was cupped Meryl's face in her hands and kissed her. After they both ran out of breath Cher parted from Meryl joining their foreheads. "Meryl, are you sure about this. You know it's going to be hard and you know we will have to hide from the world. Are you willing to take that risk with me? Because I'm sure I'm willing to do it", Cher looked deep into Meryl's eyes.

"I've never been more sure about something in my life", Meryl said and this time she was the one to start the kiss.

"I love you Mary Louise Streep", Cher didn't think twice of saying she loved her. That's what she had felt all this past months, she wasn't going to hide her feelings anymore.

"Cherylin Sarkisian, I love you too", Meryl said. Just like Cher, she wasn't going to continue lying to herself and she was ready to give her all to the one she truly love.

•I hope you really enjoy this chapter💜 remember to leave a like and comment. Did you like how Meryl asked Cher to be her girlfriend?•

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