Chapter 1

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I walk in the office after I just finished my last mission which if you asked me , was too easy . I just had to set up a few wires to electrocute the guy who killed his wife and children. Pete raised his eyebrow while saying " Done already ? Didn't expect you here so soon." "Well Pete , the mission you gave me was a little too easy , so I think you're going to give me a hard one considering that is what you always do ." Pete frowns," What do you mean I always do? I always give you missions that are hard"."We'll you always give me a hard mission after you give me an easy one because you think it's making up for the hard one.So tell me my next mission, big guy ". He hands me a paper consisting of all the names of my next target. I furrow my eyebrows as I scan the list of names with my eyes." Thomas Hale?What has he done?He's just a very rich businessman in the state, not some maniac that has committed a crime." The next thing Pete says leaves me absolutely speechless."You are not going to kill him .He has done nothing wrong . You are going to to go undercover as his bodyguard because there is a psychopath out there trying to kill him . We want you to protect him if there is a psychopath trying to kill him. The list of names are the names of his family members and close friends."I frown at the name Thomas Hale,it sounds really familiar like I 've heard it before.Its probably because he's famous for being rich.I took the piece of paper , nodded at Pete and exit the office.When I got into my apartment, I went into my room and took a shower.After I was done,I layed on my bed while staring at the ceiling.What would happen to me in the future? Would I have kids?Would I have a family?Probably not.After all , agents get killed all the time.I'm not even permitted to utter a word about this if I leave M19 (my agency's name) or they will hunt me down and kill me.I slowly start to fall asleep only to wake up in the middle of the night with sweat on my forehead because of a nightmare about my parents . I always have the same nightmare about my parents every night , the look on their faces when they saw a car crashing into them before they died, even if I wasn't there.Tears rolled down my cheeks when I think about them.I used to have a brother but then we got seperated when I was put into an orphanage while he went to another.Our parents were quite rich but after they died, no will was found so they sold the company to the highest bidder in the auction .Then I was put into an orphanage and met Mary.She was like a mother to me because no one adopted me do I stayed there for a really long time until Pete recruited me. It all started on a Monday when I was walking back to the orphanage after school ended.I was approached by a man I don't know, he said" I see some potential in you , I am the director of an agency and we have been monitoring your movements and we would like you to become an agent .We are a top secret agency working for the government . If you choose not to join us we will have to kill you because you know our secret."I sat down on a bench nearby while trying to take it all in."I don't even know you how can I trust you?" "Well,I haven't kill you so that's a start.Look,I know its overwhelming for you so take all the time you need." "I'll join you since I have no choice or you'll kill me"
That was the day I joined the agency.They trained me hard and provided education and food for me while I was training.The day I turned eighteen was the day I went on my first mission.I'm not exactly a big fan of Pete but I don't hate him.The more I thought about how my life will turn out to be, the sleepier I became and so ,I went back to sleep.

So guys what do you think?I know there are grammar mistakes and all but if you can't stand grammar mistakes then don't read the book.
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