We're sorry grim! 😣

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Sooooo you can probably guess that It didn't go very well with the old guy, he ended up getting ejected out of the ship and into a poison ivy bush.

Grim eventually found out about it and he was not happy...

"How many times guys! how many!!!' He yelled 

Ratchet tried to defend our actions, "oh c'mon Grimm he's fine, he landed in a pile of ivy" Grimm mumbled something in response before saying "(y/n) i expected better from you!', i looked down in shame before ratchet said "this wasn't her fault Grimm, she didn't play any part in this" i smiled at him which he returned. Grimm sighed and said "look ratchet your a great mechanic, you've got a lot of heart but your careless.' Ratchet turned around "careless? Eh such an ugly word i prefer carefree" I attempted to suppress a giggle but i stopped when Grimm glared at ratchet "too soon? Yeah it was too soon' he said with his ears down i looked up and said "we are very sorry Grimm, we didn't know this would happen" he looked at me and said "i know things haven't been easy for you two, but you can't keep acting out like this when i have a shop to run!" Ratchet pulled out a captain Qwark card "i just feel like I'm supposed to do more, I've always dreamt of being a galactic ranger' doing big things like Captain Qwark" he said showing Grimm the card who just looked at the card and said "you wanna know a mechanic's advice? Dream smaller, it leads to less disappointment."

"Oh come on Grimm' i said, "please Grimm" said ratchet " i just need one hour off so i can go to the spaceport for tryouts" he begged but that old gremlin wasn't having it, "you promised you would help me with proton scrubs every shift of the plateau, it's almost summer these people depend on us" ratchet interrupted and said "first off.. it's always summer, we live in a desert' and second, that promise is still in effect it's a one hundred percent valid promise' and you can redeem it in one hour" Grimm looked unhappy but ratchet sent him a begging smile which made him groan in defeat "yes!!" Said ratchet "you, you are a great friend Grimm, don't let anyone tell you different." "Ratchet wait!!' I said "what's wrong?" He said i ran up to him and said "i wanna tryout with you" ratchet looked at me with wide eyes before saying "no (y/n)! I can't watch you get hurt, you mean way too much to me" he said blushing a little, i blushed in response and said "i won't get hurt ratchet, i promise" he smiled and caressed my hand and said "alright then, let's go!!" We hopped onto his rocket sled and drove off

Soooooooo how did i do???......

Yeah i know it sucks 😔

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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