Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning at 4:00 am sharp, threw my wranglers an white tee shirt an a tucked in pearl snap brush popper making my way out the door. Upon entering the hat barn I could see the all to familiar auburn hair through the slats of wood, walking up behind Sam I announced my presence, mourning!  Quickly turning around Sam gasped in shock, son of a bitch don't be sneaking up on me like that you could've gave me a heart attack. Chuckling to myself I replied I'll take note sorry, where's your father I was told he would be lining me out this morning. He had to run to town she said, had something come up with some guys from the sell pen, told me to take you out an show you the property until he got back she said coyish. Alright lead the way I said trying to match her demeanor, she clearly wasn't a morning person. Walking into the corral she walked up to a beautiful palomino chirping an stroking her face. Pick anyone you want she stated, just stay clear of that Appaloosa over there he's mean as they come an stubborn as a hell bitch. But before she could finish saying that last part I had already b-lines it for the leopard printed stallion. Hey what did I just say she exclaimed, he ain't broke an will bite the shit outta you then what good will you be to us. Chuckling I ignored her walking to the side of the horse cuing an clicking my younger to soothe the beast. I watched every muscle move seeing the power course through him like a Diesel engine slowly I brought my hand up an caressed the side of his mane, I waited til his breathing matches mine before leading him out of the shed twirls where I had my saddle lying on the ground. After tossing the saddle up onto his back I turned to see sam just wide eyed an mouth agape. What you made him out to be some monster huh I said with a smirk. She slowly closed her mouth before continuing to stare, how did you do that. Her tone was more somber than I had anticipated an for some reason sent a calm through me. I don't know I've always had a way with animals I just take to them I guess. Shaking her head she jumped up on her horse an said, nevermind cmon we got a lot of  ground to cover. Following her lead I jumped up on the Appaloosa an trotted behind her. About an hour in she slowed in the reins an dismount prompting me to do the same. We were in a cliff side of a mountain I could still the the house off in the distance. This is my favorite place she said from beside me startling me as I hadn't heard her move cause of how focused I had been. Why's that I said. Sometimes when I get frustrated or mad or just need room to breathe I can come up here an feel the serenity of nature an then look down towards the ranch an put it all into perspective. I get that I said, that's how I feel every time the chutes opened an the bronc I was riding started to buck, it's like the world just slows down an it's just you, an that horse, in that moment. Sam looked longingly down at her saddle for a moment before speaking, why are you here instead there then? I looked at her with a pained expression, well last season I was riding in a amateur short go in Laramie Wyoming had been riding pretty good an had a long string of consecutive good picks, I drew this mean cuss they called el gringo diablo. He had never had any successful riders stay on him would come out the shoots like the fires of hell where nipping at his hoofs as rank as they come, I was nervous going into it my head wasn't right I had some... personal stuff going on at the time but it was my release to get away from it all so there was no talking me out. Well long story short I wasn't focused an when that gate flew open he got three hops then twisted on me throwing me an pinning me to the ground with him on top, then he stood back up with my foot hung in the stirrup an took off, that's the last I remember until a few weeks later when I woke up  back in Texas in a hospital bed. Lord have mercy! She exclaimed that must've really messed you up. Yeah I replied not really knowing what else to say about the matter. Sooo what "personal stuff" did you have going on? She quizzed. I- I'd rather not say if you don't mind, atleast not yet. I'm sorry to pry it isn't my place he'll you just got here, how about we finish the tour she said in a rush. We rode in silence the rest of the trip, I had a lot weighing on my mind but predominantly this girl riding along side me, there was something to her such I had never seen before an as puzzled as I was I had a feeling of hope.

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