She left..

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He was approached by his teacher, who looked a little concerned. "Shouldn't you be getting to class now?" "Huh? Oh, yes ma'am, I was on my way there, we can go together."

As they walked to class, he kept thinking about her, why didn't I recognise her in the first place?

He sat in his seat, and his worst subject began: maths. He found it so boring, he drifted away into his thoughts.


As he walked along the hallways on his way to class, Kindachii and Kunimi walked behind him. It was nearing the end of his second year in middle school, and Kageyama was still unsure about which school he wanted to go to. He was about to get to his class (3 rooms away) when the three approached the music room.

Kageyama stopped dead in his tracks to see the music club in practice, and was suddenly captivated by what he heard.

"Oh? You've noticed her then kageyama." Kindachii whispers, poking his head through the doorway, while the girl continues to sing. Kunimi pipes in quietly, "Thats L/n Y/n, shes in the girls volleyball club, but her family comes from a very musical background, so she can sing, but she decided to take the path of volleyball, but she still sings with the light music club once a week."

"How do you know so much about her?" Kageyama asked quietly, still listening to the girls voice. "You baka! She's in our class, you really don't notice anyone else do you?" "Calm down Kindachii, this is kageyama we are talking about." "Ah, you're right."

Kageyama barely pays attention to the two boys talking about him, he just listened to the girls voice.
But she sounded, as though she was in pain, like the lyrics were genuine, which scared but also excited him. Her voice... Was amazing. Nothing like he heard before.


As the song finishes, the girl receives a round of applause from those listening in the room, to those who listened in the hallway, including the three volleyball boys.

"WOW! Thank you so much!" You say shyly, then turned to the doorway to wave at the volleyball boys.

"Hey kunimi kun! Kindachii kun! Ohayo!" "Ohayo!" The boys said in synchronisation. Then, she realised kageyama was there, and she began to stutter. "O-oh! K-kageyam-a! Umm, I dont think w-we have properly m-met yet.." you blurt out, then put her face in her hands. "Gomen, I'm not good with meeting new people.. Hey! You two stop laughing!" You said as you laughed too. Kindachii and Kunimi were sniggering in the background at your failed attempt at making a new friend.

"Hello, I'm Tobio Kageyama, and I'm in class 2-4, its nice to meet you. Im also on the volleyball team, I play setter."
She turns to look at Kageyama who is bowing at her. "O-oh! My names Hanabi Riko, I'm also in the girls volleyball team, and in class 2-4 and I also play setter, nice to meet you!!" You smiled at him. "Maybe sometime we can share tips and tricks, setter to setter?" You winked jokingly, "sure." Kageyama says, giving a small smile.

Since then, you began to hang out with them more, and she introduced one of her friends, who played libero for the girls team, to the guys. Her name was Mamiko Kanon. She was quite a lively girl, quite the opposite of you, who was super shy and reserved most of the time.

Because the group got so close, Kageyama began to notice certain things about them: how when kunimi was embarrassed he would try to hide his face in his school jumper, and when Kindachii would get his favourite food he would take a huge sniff and then take a huge bite, and that Kanon was just as crazy for horoscopes as she was for volleyball, and you really loved to sing for fun, and loved to call him 'Toby-kun' and was the only one allowed to call him that.

And you faked some of your smiles.

You were more open to the group than before, from the outside looking in she can be seen as a shy girl, but when they got to know you, you're super friendly, bubbly and a fun person to be around. But, as he became closer to you, walked to class with you , hung out after school, walked you home, he noticed that some smiles were faked.

Why? He did not know.
Would he pull her up on it? He was going to, but then you vanished before he could.

~still in flashback, 2 weeks before end of term~

It was another Tuesday morning as Kageyama walked to class. He sees you taking stuff out your locker and packing in your bag. He tilts his head, confused. what is she doing?

As he walks over to you, you jump, suddenly frightened by his appearance. You were frowning, continuing to pack up your stuff.
"Hey, what are you doing? We have class in 10" "I don't." You bluntly replied, packing up faster." "What do you mean you don't-"
"Well what does it look like Tobio? Im leaving!" You harshly said, slamming your locker door shut.

Kageyama stood there silently, wondering what he did wrong. You look at him, his face hurt, and you soften your gaze.

"Tobio I-"

"I know you didn't mean it. It's fine. But this is so out of the blue- how will I see you? What about everyone? What about-"

You pull him into a hug, "I'm sorry, one day I'll explain everything to you. But I have to go right now."

"Is it your parents again?"

You fell silent, the colour draining from your face. Looking at Tobio, his face burned with race and u panic.

"Tobio please! Snap out of it we are dealing with it! "WE? WHOS WE??" "Oikawa and iwa-" "SO THEY KNOW BUT NOT ME?
Y/n seriously I-"

The bell cuts him off, and you turn to leave.
"Tobio go to class, and do not turn up at my house. I'll see u again at some point."

Kageyama is left speechless. How could you do this to him? He stomped off to class.

That's the last time I ever care about someone so much.

Well I hope some stuff got cleared up here! More information abt your life comes later in the story- is we get to that ;-;
-stay peachy 🦋

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