9. Getting Kidnapped & More

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Early update! To let you know I still live ;)
**Attached picture: Valiya's room (well half of it).
Chapter 9- PAST- Getting Kidnapped and Stuff

October 15

Frap. Frap. Boink. Clunk.

Ricky if you're sleep jumping in bed, you're about to be murdered for ruining my sleep.


But why is there a frapping noise if he's jumping?

Groaning I lifted my head from my pillow and cranked open an eye to see what the hell was going on.


I whipped my head to the floor-to-ceiling windows where the noise seemed to be coming from.


And then I saw it. A rock hitting my precious glass windows. Ya, someone's about to be murdered.

Throwing the warm blanket off my body and embracing the cold October air, I made my way across the room. I peered down to see what the fuss was about and was greeted by an all too familiar face: Ace.

I rushed to the side of the room where the windows actually opened and threw open one. This boy was about to get a piece of my mind.

"Really? Rocks at my window?"

He shrugged and for 6 in the morning he seemed wide awake. "Well don't worry about the sentiment, you're definitely no Juliet."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Have you seen your hair?" He asked in a duh tone.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish, no he wasn't worth a comeback. Instead I asked, "What do you want?"

"The race." He replied simply as if this is something he did everyday. Maybe he did, with him I could never tell.

"Right now!?" I shrieked as loudly as I dared.

He shrugged a yes.

"No." I replied and was in the process of slamming my window shut when he shouted, "If you win this, I'll leave you alone."

I leaned back thinking, well that was defenitely worth waking up for at 6. "Promise?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

"Yup, but too bad you won't win." Ah, there's the cockiness that was missing.

"We'll see about that," I promised.

Pulling my messy hair in a bun and throwing on a sweater over my tank top and pulling on a pair of black tights I made my way to the backyard where Ace was waiting.

"How'd you even get in here?" I questioned resisting the urge to push him in the swimming pool behind us.

"The gate was unlocked." He waved his the gate showing me that there was no lock on the gate.

"Didn't think we needed one but seeing you got in, I might need to talk to my parents." I said honestly as we made our way down the sidewalk to the park.

"Aww, how am I supposed to visit you then?"

"Oh shut up." I picked up my pace when the park came into view leaving him behind.

"Alright one lap around the track and whoever gets back to the start line first wins." He circled the track with his finger.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "I know how races work, smart ass let's get on with it."

Sweeping my eyes around the park, I saw it was deserted. Of course, who would come to the park at 6 AM on an October Morning. Even joggers weren't that stupid. But Ace was. Eyeing the long track I estimated it would take at least 2 minutes to run around it at full speed, but it wasn't that bad. I could do it.

"Lets go Amon, or are you too scared?" I heard his taunting voice and turning back to him, I saw his annoying smirk was present too. Oh, the urge to kill someone had never been this strong.

"Scared? Of you? You're hilarious." I replied bitingly. It was too early in the morning to think of a proper comeback.

I moved to the start line of the old track. "Now lets get this shit over with so I could beat you up for dragging me out of bed at 6." I shot him a sugary sweet smile that hopefully made him gag.

"Still dreaming I see," he chuckled as he took his position on the track.

"All right, on the count of three." He squatted down positioning himself, "and don't you dare cheat." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Who you talkin' to buddy? If I remember correctly, you were the one who cheated in our basketball game. Not my fault you play like a girl on the first day of her menstruation."

He scowled, "I didnt-" he stopped abruptly, his scowl transforming into an amused smile, "Are you trying to get out of racing me? It's okay, I understand. I mean, who would want to shamelessly lose to-"

"3, 2, 1!" I hollered before galloping off.

The chilly morning air gushed pass me and swept my hair in the air. Evergreens and yellow fall trees whizzed by in a blur, I was so winning! I couldn't even see Ace in my peripheral vision. This was good. Now not only would I be able to beat the crap out of his face, but I would never let him live this moment of epic victory down.

"Liya!" He hollered from somewhere behind me, but I didn't stop. Hell no.

No distractions this morning, I was going to beat Ace Vanogh and I was going to rub it in his face for as long as he lived. If there is one thing he hates more than me - it's loosing to me. The basketball incident proved that.

Suddenly I felt a strong pair of arms push me and I was instantly on the ground with a skinned knee. The tights were ripped and I could see the red scraped skin underneath.

"Hey! That's cheating! You're such a-"

But something hard hit me on the back of my head and the world faded.
Ahah! Done! So, i kinda cheated and just copied the first chapter but aah im on vacay! India is treating me well- sorta... I'm boiling! I'm a cold Canadian kid okay? Don't judge.
Okay so i dont have a dedi but i'll do it once i get back cuz i forgot who was next :(

Dedication: @LeSheaSweetHeart - thank you so much for supporting me ^.^

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