Chapter Twenty-two

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Six months later
I catch my breath as I defeat my teacher Chris he smiles at me and gives me thumbs up. Ever since that day when I found out who the traitor is I have been cooped up in saving my father and returning back home to my family.

I lost my humanity the day I found out the awful traitor is and I didn't bat an eye and killed him on spot without thinking twice about anything.

Mr.Alonso didn't talk to me almost a month cause he was the only person who could give out the information on my father and the gang. We have been hunting the gang rival that took my father till today we don't the leader of the group only the groups henchmen and workers.

"Dinner is at seven be on time this time Dakota" says Chris
"Yeah whatever Chris now run along I need to hit some treadmill before I dress up and look cute for today"

When Chris left the place I started training hard by the time I look at the time I saw it was quarter to 6 pm. I ran upstairs and hit the shower and take my black jeans and red tank top and started applying little makeup and red lipstick. When I was done I descend downstairs to see Mr.Alonso laughing with someone when I look around to see new face I smile at them both and head straight to Mr.Alonso

"You wanted to see me" I said

"Ah right David meet Dianne my daughter" Mr Alonso smiles at me I look at him careful and I knew I had to act along.

I extended my arm which revealed my tattoo of a little hands with a cross on it. David smiles at my me and extends his hands also.

"Pleasure to meet you Dianne" he says

"Pleasure all mine Mr.David" I said

"Dianne here will be lovely to show your son around the house as soon he arrives of course" says Mr.Alonso

I look at him in disbelief and just  walk away before I even get angrier than ever. I head straight to the kitchen and started the cooking preparations. I was dancing through the rhythm of the beat

"Well don't mind me please do continue" came in a voice. I turn around to see a new face so I take my gun out and point it at him.

He raises his hands up and smiles at me.

"Slow down princess I am not here to kill you nor do anything am invited guest here" he says

"Yeah and I am the Queen of England now who are you and what the hell are you doing in our house" I asked him

"Well seems your well guarded but I am not the bad guy here your trying to shoot a guy who is unarmed that's sounds really to fair" he puts his hands in his pocket and looks at me.

I started studying his feature and he was dope okay he looked young so I was pretty sure his super young than me. I felt sorry for him for the life he grew up. I also don't want this life but I can't do anything about it.

"Take a picture it lasts longer sweet heart" he says

I cock my gun and aim at him.
"Ten seconds before I shoot" I said in a harsh tone
"Can't shoot me princess" I shoot him inches to his shoes. He looks at me then looks at the shoes. I cock my gun again and look at him again

"Want to try again?" I asked him

"Well that was lovely show you can shoot huh! I underestimated you my apology love" he bows his head.

"Dianne what the hell are you doing?" Came Mr.Alonso

"Kill unwanted bugs and virus" I said

"His the son of David" he says

I look at Mr Alonso then Mr David.

David sighs "Apparently I am this stupid's father"

"Hey this stupid is still here in the room you know that dad" he says

"I am sorry for this David" says Mr.Alonso

"It's okay dear old friend I know this argument till the gun point was due to his stupid remarks" says David

I lower my gun and keep it in the back of my trouser I continue cooking dinner.

I look around to see everyone staring at me like I have lost my head. I stand firm and look at them all.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked

"Apology" says the guy

"Not happening" I continue my cooking and still feel their presence looking at me. I look around to see a pissed off guy he grabs my hand.

I look at him direct in his eyes and look at his hands at my hand. One thing I don't like is someone touching me without my consent.

"Don't you think you were bit rude?" He says

"What's your name?" I asked

"Samuel David"he says

"Well Sam one thing you should know I don't like someone touching me" I whisper to his ears in his sexy voice I take the knife slowly and grab him by his collar and pin him in the kitchen table.

I take my knife and lunged at him and whisper to his ears for only him to hear.

"Now get out before I make you regret it" I said

He rans to his father and hides behind him.

"She is scary dad" he says

His father chuckles and just shakes his head. I hear heavy footsteps approaching but I continue cooking I hear Samuel explaining everything what happened to him. As soon I lift my head I see silver eyes staring at me burning with anger

"Well you hurts my little brother that seems unfair" he says in husky voice. I looked at him and wanted to just jump on him already he was so fucking hot. I looked firm and just shrug it off and began preparing the dishes.

He grabs my hand that makes me turn around facing him.
"Nobody touches my family got it princess" he says

"Crystal" I unhandled myself and walk away I take the knife and through it inches away from him. He didn't flinch but he looked at me.

"And I nobody touched without my consent got it" I said.

The guy looks at me carefully like his studying me. Mr. Alonso and Mr.David have smiling faces on and I see Mr.Alonso looks proud of me so much.

"Now I promised I will be in my best behavior so please take a seat and lets in peace and enjoy the food" I said

"Mean worst behavior" said Sam as he mumbles but everyone hears it.

Mr. Alonso laughs hard as he takes a seat next to David and his other two sons. I make sure the dishes all set as I walk away I hear a faint say from Mr.Alonso

"You haven't seen worst in her"

I walk away smiling as baby who got his candy. Knowing it the truth they haven't seen my worse side yet and I tend to show it off starting with the big asshole who left a bruise in my arm.

Hey guys sorry for the late updates hope you enjoy this chapter keep on voting and please don't forget to share the story okay bye for now.

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