Lets talk

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Y/n: if what?
Jh: nothing-
Y/n: josh tell me
Jh: I- fine.. I was about to say, if mom.. was here she would have grounded you..
y/n: I-I wish she was here
Jh: same with dad.
Y/n: if they just weren't in that stupid car
Jh: let's just go to class
(at the end of the school day)
You grab your backpack and start to walk out of the school and you run into Quinton
Y/n: sorry-
You start to walk away
Q: y/n. I need to talk to you can we go to my place?
Y/n: I guess.
You and Quinton go outside and go into the car
J: wait for me!
Jaden runs and goes into the car
J: oh hey y/n
Y/n: uhm- hey
J: that was real bold of you today how you stood up to madi
Y/n: uh ya.
Quinton drives and you get to his place you and Quinton go up to his room
You sit down on his bed and he sits beside you
Q: y/n I still like you a lot a lot
Y/n: but I cheated... Quinton I'm fucked up why do you still like me
Q: I can tell that you didn't really mean to
Y/n: I really want to be with you but I'll just ruin everything
Q: y/n please be with me again I don't care if you kissed Cynthia anymore I just want to be with you
(Simp lmao)
Y/n: can I still be friends with her..?
Q: yes you can I'm not in charge of who your friends with
You hug Quinton
Y/n: people at school are gonna think I'm a attention seeking bitch
Q: your not a bitch let's just keep our relationship private right now
Y/n: alright I'm fine with that But are you sure you want to be with me I'll mess everything up again
Q: I know you won't fuck things up in our relationship again
J: hehe I knew you two were gonna get back together
Q and y/n: JADEN!
j: don't worry I won't tell anyone
Jaden leaves the room
Quinton goes and locks the door
He start to get closer to you and he kisses you
You pull him closer
He picks you up by your legs without breaking the kiss
He pins you against the wall
You slowly move to his neck leaving hickeys he lets out a few soft moans
Y/n POV: quinn is so Precious, I absolutely love him I really don't want to lose him
Y/n: Quinn I should start to head home I came here without telling josh he's gonna be worried
Q: aw ok
You kiss him on the cheek
Y/n: we can finish this some other time
You smirk at him while you leave his room
(Back at home)
Jh: where were you??
Y/n: I was at Quinton's place
Jh: huh? But didn't you guys-
Y/n: we both still really like each other so we decided to be back together but I'm a private relationship
Jh: I do not understand you anymore
Y/n: same here
You two laugh

I don't even understand what going on in this chapter my brain ain't working today ahah

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