Chapter One

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Otabek Pov:As I look over the latest drug deal with the Crispino family, my wonderful boyfriend opens my office door. When we first met, I didn't want Yuri anywhere near the dangers of our life but his potential for espionage pushed him further into the fight against the Triads, that and his intelligence and stubbornness. God, I love him so much. Every time I think I can handle his beauty he surprises me, and I fall more in love with him. I'm taken out of my lovesick daze by a face full-on blonde hair. I move the hair out of the way to see the turquoise eyes I love so much. I smirk at him as I wrap his waist. "You've been staring at me for the past five minutes, I had to get your attention somehow." Yuri tilts his head, looking cute as ever."It's not my fault you're so breath-taking" I smirk. He laughs leaning down to kiss me. We stay like that until we are interrupted by Christophe. I give him a glare for not knocking and expect Yuri to move from my lap. He doesn't, simply turning around to face Chris. I wrap my arms around his waist, raising an eyebrow at Chris. "I swear sometimes you two are like bunnies in heat" Chris laughs. I smirk and Yuri glares."In our defence, we weren't doing anything before you rudely interrupted, just enjoying some quiet time together" Yuri snipes."Sure...... anyway Sara and Michele Crispino have requested a meeting over dinner to renew the ally treaty." Chris continues."When?" I ask"Tonight""Well, I'm guessing you want to go shopping for some new formal wear?" I turn to Yuri, smiling slightly."Want to... more like need to." He laughs, hopping off my lap. "Mila wanted to meet up and go shopping anyway" "Ok but don't spend all our money" I smirk."No promises" He laughs, closing my office door. I stare after him wondering whether he will pick a dress or suit this time. Chris chuckles and I look at him."What?!""Sometimes I regret dragging you out to that club. You've gone soft.""Have not""Have so""I won't hesitate to shoot you" I threaten"Oh, I know.... I meant you show emotions now, it's annoying" Chris laughs."Get out of my office before I actually put a bullet in you" I glare, he spins on his heel and walks out chuckling.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yuri arrived home a few hours later, ladened with bags. I quickly took some of the bags from him. He smiles up at me

"Do I want to know how much you spent?" I sigh

"Probably not but I'll tell you anyway. Almost 13,000 euro" "Jesus Christ" I laugh"You told me when we met that I could have anything I wanted no matter the cost. I told you would regret that." Yuri smirks."Yeah no still not regretting that seeing you happy makes it all worth it." I smile putting the bags down and wrap my arms around his waist from behind. Placing my head on his shoulder. "What's the plan for tonight?" Yuri whispers, placing his hands over mine."We go with Phitchit and Seung-Gil as back up, we will both be armed as well. Sara and Michele aren't a danger to us, but we never know who will attack, considering how the first ally treaty signing went 3 years ago." I say. The first time we signed the treaty, JJ and his men tried to kill me and Sara. Katsuki ended up taking the bullet. Yuri almost got taken as well."You're thinking about that night aren't you." Yuri mummers, I nod. "It wasn't your fault you know. No one could've predicted that Vera would betray Sara and Michele." I just stay silent. Yuri turns around in my arms and places hands on either side of my face, forcing me to look him in the eye. "Everything is going to be fine, ok. If you're so worried about tonight why not bring Katsuki and Victor, they're deadlier than Phitchit and Seung-Gil." "I don't want to risk Katsuki getting shot again, it set Victor off and I had to break his arm so he couldn't shoot Christophe." "Ok," Yuri kisses me sweetly than pulls back. "We have three hours till the dinner so you can go spend some quality cousin time with Victor" he smiles."Is that your nice of telling me to get out so I can't see what you bought for tonight" I smirk."Maybe" Yuri laughs pushing me out of our room. I walk out of our suite and towards Victor and Katsuki's suite carefully listening for groans of pain and moans pleasure. Luckily, I heard none because I seriously don't want to walk in on that. I knock on the door just to be sure. Victor opens the door, fully clothed thank god. "I'm guessing the tiny tiger kicked you out of your room until you need to get ready" Victor raises an eyebrow. I lean against the door frame."Yes, he said, and I quote 'go spend some quality cousin time with Victor' and pushed me out the door" I laugh. Victor walks back over to his and Katsuki bed. I wisely decide to sit on the couch instead of the bed. "So where is Katsuki?" I query "Phitchit dragged him out to the spa for the day" Victor laughs."How did he manage that?""I don't even know...... anyway, want to play Mario Kart, whilst you wait for your boyfriend to get all dolled up?" "Sure, if you're prepared for me to beat your ass," I smirk grabbing the switch controllers, tossing one to him."Oh, you're on"We play Grand Prix; I select Bowser and Victor Dry bones. We play for almost two hours, me kicking his ass of course. I look down at my watch to see it is already 6:10 pm, Yura will kill me if we're late."Shit, I gotta go get ready or Yura will kill me" I throw the controller to Victor and hurry out the door."I can't believe you afraid of the котенок" Victor shouts after me. I purposely ignore his comment. I get to our bedroom door and Yura simply shoves the garment bag into my hands."I know, I know, hurry up or we will be late. I am" I say already taking off my shirt."You better, cause I gotta fix your hair as well. What were you and Victor doing?" Yura questions "Oh, yea about that, Victor tackled me after I beat him at Mario Kart for the sixth time," I say unbuttoning my pants. I grab my clean shirt and quickly put it on and grab my pants putting them on as well. Yura hand me some suspenders and a black vest. "It still amazes me that two harden killer play Mario Kart" Yura laughs, pushing me on to the bed and kneeling behind me. He combs back my hair and gels it into places."Even killers have hobbies Kitten" When Yura is done I stand up and finally notice what he is wearing. And damn does he look good in dress pants, mostly unbuttoned shirt and a blazer. "Damn Yura are you trying to kill me""Maybe" he smirks. I just shake my head and hand him his gun and holster. He straps it to his hip as do I. I lean in for a kiss and he returns it the pulls away. I whine."Uh uh uh, we got to go, or we will be late" Yura smile"ugh, fine let's go" I groan. Yura grabbed my hand and we walked out to meet with Seung-Gil and Phitchit. Phitchit and Seung-Gil are talking to Katsuki. Katsuki seems even more unimpressed than usual. "So Katsuki, how did manage Phitchit manage to get you to go to the spa?" Yura asks. Phitchit laughs."I promised him Seung-Gil and I's room, since it is away from all the personal, for tonight." Phitchit smirks."You what?!" Seung-Gil yells."Oh, it's fine I'll burn all the bedding after they're done" Phitchit wraps his arms around him, he turns to Katsuki "But don't you fucking dare do anything on our couch"."Alright, alright, let's go before we are late." Yura wraps his arms around my torso and starts walking towards the limo. Seung-Gil and Phitchit promptly follow.Yuri's Pov: halfway through the dinner.Dinner is going really well. Beka and Michele are laughing together and just generally getting along, something that is rare for both men. God, I love Beka. he saved me; I don't know where I'd be without him. Someone's hand waving in front of my face. I blink a few times before Mila's voice registers."Yuri, Yuri, Yuri..." "Huh?""You've been staring at Otabek for the past fifteen minutes...... God, you really do act like a teenager in love""Shut up old women, I'll have you know I am a grown man in love thankyou very much" I sass back. I have this feeling that something isn't right, I don't really know how to explain it but Seung-Gil seems to feel it too. He has been glancing around a lot and even insisted on getting our drinks himself. Beka's arm wraps tighter around my waist. He leans into my ear."Yura, are you ok? You've seemed off for the past twenty minutes." Beka whispers."I'm fine...... It's just... something feels off now, I think Seung-Gil feels it too" I whisper back. Beka kisses my cheek. "You don't believe me, do you?""Yura, I always trust your instincts. We're are almost done here, all that left is for Michele and I to sign the document." I kiss his cheek, feeling overly happy that he still trusts my gut. "Alright I think it's time you and I sign the document, don't you think Otabek" Michelle interrupts."Yes, it is. I would like to go home and spend some alone time with Yura" Otabek agrees. Michele signs the document first, pledging the Crispino family's allegiance with the Brother's circle once again. He hands the document to Beka, who takes the pen and starts to sign the document as well. There's a loud boom and gunshots ring out. Emil and Seung-Gil throw themselves between the table and the source of gunfire. Seung-Gil takes two bullets to his left arm as he rains fire back at the source. Emil takes a bullet to the shoulder as well. The rest of us draw our weapons and start firing at the enemy gunman. Opposing men fall left and right, gunned down. Most of the enemy men have fallen. I glance at Beka in time to see him take a bullet to the gut, he falls. I scream and rush to his side. I hear manic laughter and turn to see Min-so Park, JJ's second in command. I aim and fire at her hitting her in the shoulder and the side. I turn back to Beka. He's bleeding out, I rip off my jacket and put pressure to the wound."Come on Beka don't die on me. I need you!" I cry. Phitchit and Seung-Gil rush over to us."We need to get him to the hospital NOW!" I scream. They pick him up and he groans, opening his eyes. I continue to apply pressure to his wound."Yura""Beka stay with me please"We reach the car and get in; Alexei speeds off towards the nearest hospital. Beka is lying on the seat and I'm basically sitting on top of him. He's fallen unconscious from blood loss. Please Beka don't die on me. I can't lose someone else. I need you. God, I need you. I sob, emotional pain rippling through my chest. I can't lose him like I lost Grandpa. I continue to sob, silently pleading with Beka to stay with me. The car slows down and Seung-Gil and Phitchit begin to lift Beka up. We race into the emergency room."We need a door NOW!!" Phitchit screams. Men and women rush out to take him from us, but I don't register their faces, all I see is the love of my life bleeding out. As they rush him into another screaming something that I don't understand what they say, everything is muffled. I sink to the floor sobbing, repeating he can't leave me over and over again. Someone bursts into the room and picks me up bridal style, carrying me to another room as I sob. I can't breathe. He can't leave me in this world alone, he just can't. Why can't I breathe?!"Kotehok I need you to breathe with me ok, in and out." Someone in my brain Victor's voice registers, he is the only one who calls me Kotehok. I try to copy his breathing. "That's it breathe with me, tell me five things you can see" I try to follow his instructions."Phitchit standing by a desk, cold and flu posters on the wall, a water dispenser, chairs all around the room, a baby in a pram and a hand sanitizer dispenser.""That's it, now tell me four things you can touch" "Your cotton suit vest, the scar across your palm, the arm of the chair and the bracelet Beka gave me""Perfect, three things you can hear""Coughing, keyboard sounds and your breathing""Two things you can smell?""Steriliser and old lady's perfume" "and now one thing you can taste""Red wine""That's perfect, Kotehok" Victor hugs me. My breathing evens out and I can concentrate. Eventually, I move from Victor's lap. We stay in the waiting room for hours. At some point, Sara and Mila arrive to see how Beka is doing. Sara and Mila are sitting on either side of me when a doctor walks in."Yuri Ivanov?" The doctor calls. I stand up and walk over to her."I'm Dr Naomi Rossi, your boyfriend Otabek Bianchi is a serious but stable condition for now. The bullet clipped a main artery and we had to perform emergency surgery. He has slipped into a coma. You may see him now; he is in room 007""Thankyou" I cry and rush to Beka's room. I burst through the door to see the love of my life laying unconscious and pale on the hospital bed. The only thing stopping me from thinking he is dead to the steady beeping of the heart monitor. I take his hand in mine and cry. Victor enters the room with Katsuki. When did he get here? Katsuki goes to say something but I cut him off."I know, I know I'll debrief everyone soon. I just need to spend some time with Beka first" I snap."That's not what I was gonna say, Yuri, I was gonna say that Victor and I'll act as boss whilst Altin-don is in here. You need to stay with him right now" Katsuki says gently."Oh, um I'm sorry" I sigh"It's ok Yuri stay with him; we can handle things at home. Also, they say talking to people in comas helps." Victor says before gently guiding Katsuki out of the room. I look back down at Beka and think about when I first met him. FlashbackI'd never been asked to dance for someone so rich before. I just got off stage when my manager says some rich guy has requested my company. I quickly change costumes into something better for private work and fully prepare myself for deranged things to be done to me. Anything for money to live. I make my way to the room management told me to go to. I open the door and make my way to the curtain. Gangsta by New Years Day starts playing as I make my way to the pole. Without looking at my client I dip down and drag my body up the pole before spinning around and facing my client. Damn, he's hot and doesn't look that much older than me. I continue to move my body as I make my way over to him. His eyes seem to follow my every move as I lower myself into his lap. I lean in towards his ear and whisper "You seem to be enjoying yourself, what's your name, Daddy""Otabek" He whispers back "What about yours cutie?" "I'm really not supposed to tell you but for you, I'll break that rule. It's Yuri" Things quickly escalated from there and it seemed dangerously close to mutual enjoyment. The 1,200-euro cash was a bonus.The next time he comes in, he requests my company again. Things quickly escalate again and Otabek's natural talents as a top come out. This time feels different as I lay in his arms talking, learning more about him. Shit, I think I'm falling in love. He pays double what he did After the third session Beka asks me out on a date. This date changes my life forever. Flashback overOh, Beka how fitting was that first song I danced to. I wouldn't change the life you've given me.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's been three days since Beka fell into a coma. I haven't left the hospital at all scared he'll wake up alone. I've been talking to him; I hope he can hear me. I need him to wake up soon. I'm gonna kill that bitch for shooting Beka. I'll torture her slowly making it as painful as possible. Then I'll exact my revenge on JJ, I'll- Beka gasps opening those beautiful brown eyes that I love so much.

"Beka!" I cry"Yura?" He croaks. I launch myself at him, crying in relief."What happened?" "You were shot" "I know that part Yura, I mean after that. How long have I been out?""Three days, I just so happy you're awake" I cry. Beka pulls me to his chest and I curl up there carefully avoiding hurting him. The nurse comes in to see he is awake and gives him the rundown of his surgery. She says he has to stay overnight to be sure everything is fine but if all is well he can come home tomorrow afternoon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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