7 Days is Up

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PLOT: It was a week ago you brought a sketchy rented blockbuster tape and watched it, you had no idea what it was, meant or was about.
The phone call that came through had put you on edge since that night, hearing that voice giving some kind of deadline of a sort, but what did the voice mean exactly?!

It's the early morning on a Saturday, you did your usual routine; Wake up, shower, breakfast then gym. A weekday is a little different... Work before gym, but everything else remains the same.

Your breakfast was a protein packed one with mineral involvements... Eggs, oatmeal, Protein Shake with semi milk, water, grapes and walnuts.

You finish that while watching some TV, at this point you didn't want to make time to get a girl in your life right now, and on a Saturday it's a quiet one... Unless, a friend calls or you feel like going a few beers.

You get the gym of an Arm and Chest day out of the way within 2 1/2 hours then head back and wash again, lunch is just a Protein and carb stacked in one - 3 chicken breasts with 2 bowls of brown rice and more water.

Eventually it slowly gets dim outside, suns going down and you're sat on the couch watching Netflix when you hear the phone ring. Picking it up, you greet the caller "Hello?" Nothing sounds to be on the other side, so you hang up and again... Seconds after doing that it rings again, you repeat the previous greet but this time you listen to that identical voice as it goes from very quiet to quite loud as it speaks out "Tonight. Tonight is it!" Then it goes dead the second time. You hang up and attempt to act like nothing has happened to ruin your relaxing evening.

The Netflix episode ends and you were quite awake, so instead you switch the living room TV off and head for the bedroom where the console set up is - PS4, XB1 and PC.
You wonder which one interested the mood you're in tonight? You go through the game selection for each one, each having different games to choose from.

Being in the mood to kill some undead, you choose the Ps4 for the Resident Evil saga.

Been already played Resident Evil 1 and 2, completed them, you go for RE3: Remake and the look of Jill's model seemed to have gotten you a bit rocked up inside your tracksuit bottoms, but you still play for a while.

Almost an hour passes and you get a little blurry, indicating that you were getting tired. You power down the whole set up, give yourself a swill before shrouding the entire house in orbital darkness, stripped to nude comfort and fell asleep pretty quick.

A little time ticks by and you're in a dream, so you don't hear or awaken from the living room TV that flickered on with sizzling static, flooding through pictures from the blockbuster tape but then stops at a scene of a well in the middle of a field. It goes no further than that!

Suddenly... A woman in all white with black hair appears to be climbing out from inside the well. She has near-on dark grey to bluish skin with black eyelids, lips, finger and toe nails, like... They were painted in a polish.

(She looks exactly like on the front cover. Not like the movie)

As her feet touched the surrounded grass, you wouldn't be able to tell if she was looking down or straight ahead because her hair was completely masking her looks from the environment. Moving towards the 60' rectangular shaped screen that lead to your very own lounge. When she finally reached it, she became a 3D visual effect as she poked her head through the plasma to make sure that there was no nasty risk of a fall if was wall mounted, but she seen that it wasn't, the TV was on a see-through glass display unit.

She straightened one of her legs out to step onto the soft fur mat that you had in front of the unit. When her skin connected with the fabric it made her jolt, then she fully came through... Completely drenched from the well water, making her dress she wore fully visible! She use to have clothing on underneath it but as she grew...they ripped.

X Reader - The Ring / Samara Morgan (Constant Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now