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Third person POV:

Abbacchio and giorno came home quick, they explained to bucciarati on where narancia is. Mista heard and was ready to battle, same with trish. But fugo, fugo didn't know a thing. He was still at his room, crying.

Bruno's POV:

"I'm gonna talk to fugo about this." Abbacchio looked at me, then nodded. I walked to fugo's room, i knocked three times. "Fugo may i come in? I got some news for you.."

Fugo's POV:

I wipe my tears away, i stood up and walked to my mirror. I looked, horrible. A tear dropped. "Fugo?" I heard bucciarati.
"Hold on.." i walked to my door and unlocked it. "D-door is open bucciarati." Bucciarati went in my room.

"Fugo.." i felt bucciarati's hand touch my shoulder.

He sighed and started to speak again. "Fugo, we know how to get narancia back." I looked at him with shock.
"R-really?!" Bucciarati nodded. "I- i..mean finally." I sniffed and calmed myself down.

"Me and the gang are going to get him, fugo."

I breathed in and out. "Bucciarati im coming with you!" I said with all my determination.
Bucciarati looked at me with a proud mother face.
Time skip.

Third person POV:

The whole gang were in the car, bucciarati and abbacchio were at front. Fugo,giorno,mista,trish were at the back.
Abbacchio was using his stand to get to the location where narancia is. They all got there, the location was an abandoned shed. They looked around their surroundings, they were save. Fugo was the first one who opened the sheds door. When he got in, nothing was there.

Fugo's POV:

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU NARANCIA!" I shouted. "Fugo calm down!" Trish told him.
I started to looked everywhere, nothing. "Where are you.." I collapsed. "Fugo!" The gang shouted.



Narancia's POV:

I coughed out blood. "Damn you!"

The man started to laugh maniacally again. "Whats so funny huh?!?"

"Your gang is here." My eyes were wide "NO! DONT YOU DARE HURT THEM!" I started to cough more blood.
I was hurted really badly because of this guy. My clothes are ripped, blood was everywhere..even my hair has blood.

"How about you watch them die one by one? Hm?" This guy putted a monitor infront of me, i saw the gang. Fugo was there on the floor crying. "This is gonna be a show!" I got pissed off but I couldn't do anything..

"One." The guy said, then the monitor showed abbacchio on the floor bleeding.
"Two." Mista was on the floor..
"Three." Then trish..

"Fugo! Get up we're being attacked" giorno said.

I started to tear up.


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