You're In Love

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Evan frowned, escaping to the theater room of his shared house with his friends. There was a Mario Kart tournament going on in the living room and it was down to Brian, Tyler, Craig, Marcel and surprisingly Lui. The shorter male didn't play racing games that often and was usually rotten at them but for some reason he'd gotten farther than even David had in their little tournament. Evan, naturally, was the first one to be knocked out of the race. Given that he didn't spend much time on the Switch, he didn't do too well in the race. Shortly after him, Luke was knocked out; not that he particularly cared too much. Delirious was out the next round after that. It took Luke, Tyler and Evan to pull him off of Brian who had triple shot him with red shells just before he crossed the finish line of the last lap. Brian, naturally, thought it was hysterical and found himself clutching his stomach as he rolled around on the floor even after they'd pulled Delirious off him. Luke had dragged his best friend outside to cool off. Next out of the game was Anthony. He put up a hell of a fight but the other players were just too good. Not long after him, it was Ohm. The happy-go-lucky man took it in stride and laughed off just how horribly he'd lost. Then he disappeared outside to find his boyfriend.

Brock likely fought the hardest to stay in the game but he was kicked out not long after Ohm. Delirious had reappeared about the same time that Brock lost, complaining about Luke and Ohm. He'd taken to consoling a rage-filled Brock in hopes that he wouldn't have to witness his surrogate brother making out with his friend. Scotty was knocked out of the game right after Brock and John just after him. John shrugged, grateful that he'd made it that far. Scotty stormed off to the kitchen to get a beer, face red and fists clenched tightly as Marcel taunted him from the couch. Smitty lost next and carelessly turned his attention to John who was scrolling through his phone until he got a lap full of Canadian Mario Kart loser. The pair easily rolled into each other on the floor and proceeded to taunt the remaining players in between flirting with one another and throwing popcorn at Scotty.

David got knocked out of the game next and he ranted and raved for ten minutes before they told him to shut up and Tyler shoved a handful of popcorn down his shirt. He was pissed for a solid half hour after that and Evan was getting sick of his sulking so he excused himself from the room under the guise of going to the bathroom. Which led him to lounging on one of the unbelievably soft theater chairs, biding his time to keep from going back to his friends. He didn't know what it was but he wasn't really feeling it at the moment. There had been something bothering him and he kept putting off thinking about it because it wasn't something he really wanted to deal with. Every time the thought would float into his head he would quickly push it away in favor of ignoring it for as long as he could.

It had been a good few weeks since the thought had first drifted through his mind. At the time Evan wasn't sure what it really meant, if it was real or just a fleeting idea. But when the thought kept resurfacing, he started to worry about what it meant for him and his future. He kept hoping that the idea would fall away into the recesses of his head so that he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. It's not that Evan thought it was something bad, inherently. But for him, in the current moment, it was the last thing he wanted to deal with.

Lately Evan's mind had been lingering on the thought that he could, quite possibly, be in love with his best friend. Just the idea of it scared the shit out of him. The Canadian didn't have that good of luck when it came to love. His last relationship had ended in complete disaster. He'd told her how he felt and she'd laughed in his face. When she realized he was being serious, she told him in no uncertain terms that she did not feel the same way. Then she consequently dropped him on his ass; kicked him, almost literally, to the curb. So the idea that he could be falling in love with his best friend, a guy no less, was freaking him the fuck out.

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