a suprising turn of events.

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*buzz* *buzz*
it was saturday afternoon and stanley was making his was to the front door, to see who was frantically ringing the doorbell. the first week of school went fairly quickly, and the losers club were somewhat back together. stan still wasn't COMPLETELY forgiving, but he stayed and didn't cause a fuss.

he opened the door and was surprised to see bill, practically in pieces on his doorstep. automatically, stan hugged him, prompting him to cry harder. they made their way up to stanley's room, where stan started asking questions.

"bill, what's the matter?"
"s-s-sh-she b-b-bro-broke u-u-p-p-up-"
"oh bill, i'm so sorry."

bill responded by hugging stanley tighter. they sat for a while, and bill eventually calmed down.

"bill? do you want to talk about it more?"
"whenever you're ready."
"s-she was r-re-really nice a-bout it. l-like always. w-we ended on g-go-good terms a-at least."
"may i ask why she did it?"
"s-she fell in l-l-lov-love with someone e-else."

bill sniffled a bit, but continued on, "b-ben. she fell in l-love w-with b-be-ben."
"oh bill-"
"i-i-i unders-stand t-though. i-i don't b-blame e-either of them. t-they're nice people. i-i guess some th-things can't b-be-be helped."

they say in silence for a while more. stan had always admired bill's understanding. he always admired his loyalty also. he didn't know anyone who wouldn't be at least a little pissed off that their girlfriend left them for one of their best friends. that was bill though, and stanley didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. it wouldn't surprise stan if it turned out bill was like this because he truly believed he wasn't good enough, which, and you can ask any of the losers this, is not true in any way.

after a while, bill spoke up again, "s-stan. w-what has been g-go-going on in your l-life? w-we haven't s-spoke in forever. w-w-we used to b-be so c-cl-close," bill was right, they were always one of the closest pairs in the losers club, they told each other everything. when stan's father was being too much, he would go to bill first. even when georgie, bill's brother, went missing for a few days, stan was the first to hear about it.

"my parents finally got divorced."
"w-what? stan, t-th-that's great, right?"
"it was amazing. i finally felt free."
"y-you should've t-t-told me."
"you were busy."
"t-this w-was more impor-portant."

they heard the front door close, and bill stood up instantly.
"calm down, it's just my mother. she's nice, now that he's gone."

"stanley? i'm home!" they heard her shout from downstairs. they decided to head down to see her.
"oh gosh! william denbrough? is that you? i haven't seen you in a while! how have you been?"
"h-hello, miss u-uris. i've b-been okay. w-what abo-about you?"
"oh please! call me andrea! i've been doing okay! oh! have you and stanley finally made up?"
"you can c-call me b-bill, bill, u-uh andrea. a-and y-y-ye-yes i think w-we have."

bill gave stanley a sweet smile, but stan could still see the despair in his eyes. it hurt him to see bill so distraught over this, he wanted to do something to make him feel better. he looked out the window, and saw a blue jay land on the branch of a nearby tree.

"uh, sorry mum, bill and i have to leave. i'll see you later, okay?" stan grabbed bills wrist, waved goodbye to his mother and closed the door behind him.

"w-where are w-we going?"
"we are going to the quarry. just the two of us. did you bring your bike?"
"o-of course."
"let's go."


they arrived at the quarry not a long while after and set their bikes down. well, bill set his down, stanley propped his up with the part literally put on for when you're off your bike. you know what i mean. they walked to the edge and sat down, bill dangled his feet of the edge and stan sat cross legged next to him.

"it's pretty isn't it? relaxing."
"i come here a lot, to collect birds."
"c-co-collect birds?"
"not literally, i have a book. it's my life mission to see every bird in it."
"y-y-you have an... i-interesting life m-m-mission."
"i'm sure it's more 'interesting' than yours bill, what is it?"
"i w-want to w-write at least o-one no-nov-novel."
"well, that does seem more promising then mine, doesn't it?"
"i-i think 'collecting' b-birds is a c-cool t-t-thing to do."

much to stanley's horror, he felt his face heat up at bill's statement. hanging out with him was pushing him closer and closer towards the rabbit hole. he couldn't let that happen, but he couldn't just reject bill's friendship. especially when he just broke up with his girlfriend. stanley decided to just push it to the back of his mind, he couldn't deal with it now. anyway, there was no real point distracting himself with it, bill would never even consider anything with stan that was more then best buds.

"h-hey stan look! i-it's a robin!" stan looked to see a small robin, bouncing around on the ground next to him.

"wow, didn't think you knew what a robin was bill, good job," bill lightly punched stan in the arm, laughing. "h-hon-honestly, i'm s-surprised too."


they were there, laughing, talking, singing, telling stories for hours. they both forgot how much they needed each other, how much they both craved the others presence.

"hey, bill, it's getting late, we should head back."
"y-yeah, okay, s-stan."

they rode through derry, going their separate ways and heading back to their houses. when stan arrived in his house, he was surprised to not head his mother greeting him after closing the front door.

"mum? are you-" as he walked into the kitchen, he saw two pairs of eyes looking at him. his loving mother, and his father.

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