You are born from a baby's first laugh. That laugh blows a dandelion seed to Neverland, a mythical world.
There you either travel to the seasons side, Pixie Hallow (spring, summer, and fall) or the winter side, Winter Woods. Once you land there a pixie dust fairy sprinkles pixie dust on you (magical dust) and you become a fairy.
The next day you are brought before items the represent the powers of your fairy. If you were born in the seasons realm you are brought before items representing water powers, sunlight, wind, flowers, tinker, and pixie dust.
If you were born in the winter realm you are brought before items that represent frost, snowflake, pixie dust, ice, and glacier powers. When you stand before your power it moves towards you. When you have picked your power you are given a name based on that power. (example for pixie dust power: feather dust)
In the seasonal realm you have one main queen (played by ImaTwinSoLoveMe )that directs the ministers of each season except winter. There the ministers direct the fairies of there power.In the winter realm there is one queen (played by X_Darkstar_X ) who directs the minister of winter who directs the jobs of the fairies.
Becoming a Fairy (Role-play)
Fantasy~ON HOLD~ I do believe in fairies! I do! I do! You've been born from a baby's first laugh and you enter a whole new world full of magic, wonder, and danger. Join this role-play were you can become a fairy and experience what they must go through. (...