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Annabelle's POV

"Belle wake up" someone said shaking me. I open my eyes and am blined by the sun and see Hayes in front of me. "Are we dare" I ask looking at him. He chuckled and nods as he starts to unbuckle me. Daddy opens the door and carries me out. We meet up with everyone else and go to the entrance of the zoo.

"Where do you want to go first belle" daddy asks me. "Pengins" I say clapping my hands. "Ok" he says chuckling.

We start walking over to the pengins when I hear an annoying voice screech "oh my god Matt is that you?!" I look at daddy and then back at the girl and she looked like one of my Barbie dolls. "Daddy why is Barbie here?" I whisper but I'm told I'm a loud whisperer and the girl gave me a mean look.

"Who is that witch" she asks. "I'm belle and I'm not a witch. I'm a person" I say. "Just ignore her Belle" daddy says to me. "She's not a witch. This is my daughter Belle." The barbie laughs and points at me. "Her? Goodluck." She says walking away.

Tears fill my eyes as my lip quivers. "Aw Belle don't cry she's a meanie." Hayes says. I put my arms out to him and he takes me out of daddy's arms. I lay my head on his shoulder and we walk to the pengins.

A couple years later.

I'm now 15 and still live in a big house with the "magcon" boys but sadly there not magcon anymore. I went to a few of their shows and had a blast.

They are all married now. Dad married Megan (I totally saw it coming) and she's now my "mom", Hayes is engaged to a pretty girl named Ainsley, Nash is married to another beautiful girl named Alyssa, Cameron is married to a pretty girl named Rebecca and they are expecting a baby girl in 2 months, Carter is married to a girl named Tyler, Shawn is married to a girl named Maddie, Taylor is married to a girl named Haley, Aaron is engaged to a girl name Bridgett, Jack G is married to a girl name Jessica, Jack J is married to a girl named Amelia and has a boy named Logan.

Being a orphan wasn't so bad after all. I always thought nobody would want an orphan but I was totally wrong. I would never wish to be an orphan again though because these boys are my everything.


Thank you guys so much for reading 'Adopted By Magcon?' And getting it 16k+ reads. You guys are amazing! Give yourself a pat on the back. LOL. I love you guys!!

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