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Do you believe in reincarnation? Droplets of sweat raced down my temple as I throw myself into a dark alleyway hoping I won't reach a dead end, otherwise I'll be dead-- but do I deserve to die? Again, do I believe in reincarnation? The alleyway lead to a forest and brought me to a spot I've never been into, despite living in this boring ass town for nineteen years— a dead end.

I stood and leaned against the tree trunk. Arms crossed over my chest, a knee bent and the other propping my whole weight. Under the guidance of the midnight sky stood a junkyard. I see no signs of an authority or anyone around at least. It seemed old, I can tell. Old and rusty cars covered in vines and branches, scattered bottles and things I do not give a fuck. There was however, a wooden sign attached against a barbed wire fence, saying 'No Trespassing'. I chuckled, raising a middle finger on it and jumped over the fence.


I walked around and only my footsteps can be heard. It was not as wide as I expect it to be, but that will do. Maybe I can start calling it my own hide out. Nobody else wonders around the forest to be even able to discover this place, if there is one maybe I can assume somebody else's body has been buried in this place. Buried or thrown, who knows. Junkyard is the new backyard.

A torn and worn out couch served as a sanctuary to my tired knees, a result of running for roughly an hour away from the guards. I yanked the green shamrock hoodie off my body, and fished the lighter out of my pocket. Did enjoy wearing this out especially in public, but I do not think I would have to keep this. Not after I got caught sneaking inside the girls' dormitory to steal something from someone I know. Tossing the wallet in the air, I asked—is it really important to her? Light beige bifold hipster wallet with few bills and coins, and her photo in it... along with a girl. I reckon it was important based on the way she spoke about it with her friends a while ago. I don't know, I do not really care.

It's the curiosity perhaps. It was no kleptomania. Nothing, but sheer boredom. I took the photo and tore the photo into two. I need something else to do and one of them is to make sure no one else other than me can take this place.

"A visitor, I presume." I should have probably looked harder. The voice got my hands on the either side of my head to make sure that I do not have my earphones with me, where does that voice came from? Am I hallucinating. For a reason I cannot absorb, the voice reminded me of the breeze that embraces my whole body as I walk along the shore at night, it was cold.

She is somewhere here-- that is, if I am not hallucinating. When was the last time I had a good sleep of 8 hours and above. "I'm here, little boy." Few meters away from the worn out sofa was an old bathtub, petals and dead leaves surround it and there I found a woman I was sure I have never once met in my life. Exploring this boring ass town isn't that bad at all, huh.

The moonlight cascaded over her short hair that barely touches her shoulder. Her white hair reminded me of winter, it was as if the snowflakes flocked together in each of the strands. Forehead veiled by perfectly trimmed fringe. Lying in an empty bathtub facing the night sky with both feet positioned on the rim and a broken tiara on her head.

Am I high or something.

Her oddly looking appearance spoke to me, telling me that she might be not real. Or am I overreacting? Come on, someone can just show up in front of me with a white hair and still be a normal person like everybody else. Perhaps, it was not because of her hair. The girl looked surreal.

"I can hear you." A snap of a finger brought me back to reality. That's when I realized she was already standing in front me. Her curved lips grew into a sly smile. Now, she looked like a lost goddess. "Kidding. I get that a lot, that reaction." She then closed her eyes, and took a deep breathe. A pleasant aroma of honeysuckle wafted into the thin air, as she turned around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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