*Chapter One*

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December 7th 1990 - 8:32am 

Pressing the small red button in front of me, the bus begins to slow down. Shivering as I stand to my feet, I walk down the narrow aisle. "Cheers." Politely pushing out a broad smile I jump off the bus, walking towards the bus shelter, frantically I dive my gloved hand inside of my rucksack. Pulling out a rectangular notepad, my eyes scan across the scribbled writing which is written in the corner of the paper. "Down here, turn left." Speaking to myself, I stuff the pad back into my bag, as I attempt my final part of my journey. 

It takes a further fifteen minutes until I arrive at my destination, well mainly down to the slipping and sliding on the ice, using the walls, fences and anything else I could possibly get my hands onto just to stop myself from looking like a twat and falling flat on my arse. "Name?" A voice speaks sounding a blur, as I bat away the snowflakes from my gloves, feeling the warmth inside the building. Of all the days the weather could be bad, it decides today to have heavy snow showers, today really is not my day. "Sir?" 

"Muh?" Lifting my head into the direction of the female, I stuff the wet material into my thick winter jacket's pocket. 

"I need your name." 

"Oh yeah...sorry..." Rubbing the soles of my shoes against the door mat, I shuffle over to the reception desk, pulling out the crumbled piece of paper from my bag, carefully I place it onto the oak desk. "Mark. Mark Owen." Beaming a smile at her, she just nods in response. 

"He's already with someone at the minute, but if you want to wait there's some se-" 

"Is this one for me too?" Suddenly a deeper voice speaks from behind. Spinning around on my heels, I almost come face to face with the male who storms towards the lady, grabbing hold of the copy of my CV.

"Yes. This is Mark Ow-"

"I can read, thank you Laura." He scoffs, allowing his eyes to scan me over. "Right, come with me." Turning back around to walk down the corridor, before I get chance to remove my hat, I notice another boy is also going in the same direction. 

"Hey!" I call, picking up the speed. "I know you." Glancing over his shoulder, lightly he smiles at me. 

"Yeah...you're the tea boy...right?" The blonde boy now stands against the closed door, where the interviewer has disappeared behind. 

Blushing slightly, I shake my head. "Not anymore...I'm not...I'm here for the audition...didn't expect to see you here though?" 

"Oh, you're here for that too? Yeah me neither, but I got a call back yesterday evening for a second go at it. By the way, I'm Gary. Gary Barlow." Dropping his briefcase to the floor, he stretches out his arm into my direction. 

"Nice to meet you, Gary. I'm Mark Owen." We exchange a friendly handshake, but before the conversation goes any further, the older man comes back into sight. 

"Come on in then...meet the other two." Checking his watch, he turns his nose up. "...There's always got to be one who's last to arrive." Holding the door open, me and Gary scuttle inside. Blinking my eyes around the spacious office, perched in front of the desk sits two other boys, roughly around the same age as me. "This is Jason." He introduces us, both me and Gary shake hands with Jason. He's slim, dark haired, has stubble around his impressive jawline and a twinkle in his blue eyes. "...And this...this is Robert." Changing his tone of voice, we repeat the actions. 

"Erm...call me Rob." The younger looking boy winks at the pair of us, before pulling a silly impression causing me to release a chuckle, I feel me and Rob will get along the best if things go any further. Taking the seat beside Rob, I start to remove my extra layers of clothing, until I'm left in my jumper and smartly ironed trousers, all thanks to my Mother. 

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