Life and Chase by @aggressively

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Life and Chase by @aggressively


Lexi Woods is sarcastic and usually has to bite her tongue from snapping at the human population in particular Chase Matthews. Chase Matthews is gorgeous, loud spoken, captain of the lacrosse team, a prankster and enjoys tormenting his best friend Nash's little sister. When Chase's house is getting renovated where else to stay except at Nash's house and what better way to have fun then to get under Lexi's skin. But everyone knows there is a thin line between love and hate. Will Lexi's feelings for Chase change especially when her best friend April has been in love with him for years? Will she sacrifice her feelings for hers? Will Chase risk going after his best friends sister and ruin his oldest friendship? There is only one way this story will end. In heartbreak, tears and plenty of broken friendships

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18 part

Really cute really sad. The ending... I'll leave it there

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