Chapter 2

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        After the taxi driver drives me another 30 minutes, he stops in front of a tall, brick building. Handing him a few bucks, I make my way out of the car and to the front doors. While waiting for someone to answer I get a text from Lo. 

From: Lo

Hey girl how was your trip?

From: Jenna

Tiresome but im at the apartments now. ttyl xoxo

So I'm guessing no one is going to answer the door. What if no one even lives here? What the hell am I going to do with no where to live. Shit I dont even know my way around. Looking around to make sure the streets are somewhat empty I let out a breath and growl "fuckkkkk". I sat down on the edge of the curb lost in my thoughts about where to move to next. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around carefully a pair of boney fingers come out to grab my arm.

"What the fuck dude? What do you want?" I screamed.

"I need your money all of it. Give me everything you got bitch." he fired back.

From the looks of this guy he looked homeless. His clothes were all baggy, torn, and he smelt as if he hadn't showered in months.

Screaming "no" I took off running wherever my feet could take me. I could hear him running after me. Passing by a school, stores, and bakeries I was starting to get super worn out. I don't know how much further I can run. I could still feel him following close behind me. Just when I had decided to stop, I see a huge gate in front of me a few yards away. Deciding that could be a safe place, I take off toward the gate. Quickly I jump as high as I can and grab the ledge. I swing one foot over and then swing the other over as well. Losing my grip on the wall, I fall backwards toward the ground and land on my back. Standing up, I attempt to brush the dirt off my clothing. It was no use though, because my clothes were grass and dirt stained. Turning around the check my surroundings I come face to house with this gorgeous not to mention huge mansion. The place was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't quite make out if it was occupied or not. There were no cars in the driveway. Making my way over to the garage side, I checked to see if the door was unlocked and it was. Walking in I was completely blown away by what I was looking at. Whoever owned this place also owned a nice ass black Range Rover. Looking inside the vehicle to check for bodies there was none. This all just seemed too weird. I started to look for a door. It wasnt hard to find and I started making my way toward it. Checking to see if it was unlocked like the garage it was. Whoever lived here must really trust the world to have all these doors unlocked.

Walking in I yelled out "Hello, is anyone home?" I waited and waited for an answer but one never came. So me being curious the way I am, I walked in and started checking things out. Everything was so neat. The whole house was clean and everything had its own spot. The kitchen was big with a big island in the middle that included a sink and cabinets. Beside the kitchen area were french doors that led out to a patio area. The patio area then let to a jacuzzi/pool. I had a pool back home but I couldn't really enjoy it with all the studying iI did. I wonder if my parents have figured out I'm gone. Pushing them to the back of my mind, I looked through the living room, dining room, three bedrooms and four bathrooms. That was just the main floor. I opened up a door that led to a basement but no one was down there. Making my way upstairs, I checked out nearly ten rooms including a theatre and a gym. As I searched the house, I was calling for someone that lived here or anybody. Still no one answered. Setting down my stuff in the living room I felt my stomach growl. I made my way to the fridge and looked for something filling. Whoever lived here must be in great shape because I couldn't find any junk food. I settled on making a sandwich and sat down in the living room turning the T.V on.

I ended up watching Dexter just to pass some time. Checking the clock it was about to turn 5 which meant the sun was going to set soon. I headed to the stairs and made my way up with my bags in hand. I couldn't really quite choose which room I wanted to stay in until I turned a corner. Now I know I haven't been down here before. Walking up to the door, I turned the knob and walked in. In the room was a neatly made bed, two dressers, a walk in closet, and a bathroom to die for. It had a shower in the middle with completly glass walls. The shower head hung from the ceiling too. And of course the bathtub was jetted. On the counter where the sink was I saw Blue by Chanel aftershave and tons of hair products and Chanel cologne.

"This guy has to be a doctor." I whispered to myself. Leaving the bathroom I made the decision that this was going to be my room for a while. Laying out my clothes on the bed, I realized I didn't pack my big t-shirts that I always wear to bed. I started looking through the drawers because obviously a guy lived here. I picked up a plain black shirt and held it against my chest and looked in the mirror. It was perfect, and it would stop in the middle of my thighs. Stripping down I thought it would be nice to take a shower and get settled for bed. My muscles were sore from being chased by that creep. Stepping into the shower it was just the right tempurature. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and washed my body. Stepping out the shower, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I combed my hair and decided I would sleep with it wet. Checking the time on my phone it was almost 8.

Slipping under the covers, I almost suddenly drifted off into a deep sleep.

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