Chapter 10

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Webby and Gosalyn glared at each other. The two stood waiting for the other to strike. Like an old cow boy face off. And then, someone made their move.

Gosalyn swung for a kick at Webby. She jumped up to dodge it and rolled on the ground.

"Gosalyn, what's gotten into you!" Violet exclaimed from behind the couch.

Webby pulled out several rubber throwing stars and flung them at her opponent. Gosalyn smacked them away with her book. Standing on the back of the couch, Webby hand her hands on her hips. "Ha! Is that the best you've got!" she taunted.

Gosalyn took out her hockey stick and swung for Webby's legs.

The duckling in pink flung back onto the ground. She grabbed a nearby lamp to defend herself. The two started a sword fight with a hockey stick and a lamp.

"I admit, you are better than I am," Gosalyn started with a smirk.

"Then why are you smiling?" Webby questioned.

"Because I know something you do not know," Gosalyn said.

Violet rolled her eyes, knowing where the conversation was going. She had read that book ten times over and seen the movie even more times.

"And what is that?" Webby wondered. She pushed back against the red head.

Gosalyn shoved her away and switched hands with her hockey stick. "I am not left handed!" she declared.

The fight began to go Gosalyn's way. Violet threw a few books at her, but they were all paper back, so it didn't do much. "Webigail, watch out!" the hummingbird warned.

Gosalyn swept for Webby's legs and she fell.

Webby grinned. "There is something I must tell you," she said, Gosalyn pressing against her. Webby kicked her back and threw the lamp into her right hand. "I'm not left handed either!"

The hard clang of wood against metal rang in the room.

"Gosalyn! Why are you attacking us!" Violet asked.

Gosalyn stopped fighting and stood there. "Hmm. You know what? That's a good question," she said. The bookshelf the were standing on began to wobble.

"Uh-oh," Webby and Gosalyn said in unison. They could feel gravity pulling them down. Violet, who was on the ground, tried to run out of the way. The bookshelf toppled over, knocking all three girls unconscious. Violet was trapped under the bookcase.

The sun set behind the city of Duckberg. Dewey and Louie met back up with Della and Donald.

"Did you find him?" Louie asked. Della shook her head sadly. Dewey frowned and his eyes shot around their street corner.

"Maybe we should check back over at the marina," he said.

Donald stopped him before he could run off. "Dewey... It's getting late..." Donald drifted off.

Dewey looked up at him. "What are you saying?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Della intertwined her fingers together and looked down. "We'll start looking again tomorrow morning," she said.

Dewey's eyes started to water. "No! We have to find him before something horrible happens! We have to!" he cried.

Della knelt to his level and wiped off his tears. "Dewey, I want Huey back as much as you do, but we won't be able to find him in the dark," she said.

Donald watched them. He glanced at Louie. His eyes glinted with tears, but Donald knew Louie would never openly cry unless it really came to it. He had his hoodie pulled over his head.

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