Fueds and first words

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A few months go by and the little one has grown quite a bit. Tiger got to experience his first steps along with the other animals. "It really takes them a while, huh? If it were a horse, it would walk since the day it was born *neighs* and it wouldn't have to be raised by.......you know who", horse said. "I can hear your loud ass from a mile away and it has a name by the way. His name is Xìngyùn", tiger responded. Tiger is very intimidating. It's a tiger's nature to be. If other animals didn't fear him as they do now, there wouldn't be any other animals besides the dragon, the tiger & the snake. All these predators do is hunt, eat & sleep. If their preys didn't run from them, they'd eat all they wanted every day until there was nothing left but just the three. Snake is the only one of the three who can last a week without eating after one meal. "Tiger, do you ever feel empty?", snake asked. "Yeah, why?", tiger said. "Well.....I kinda feel like that right now.....", snake continued. "I have no arms, no legs, animals fear me. All I want is a hug". "Haven't you eaten enough?", tiger asked with a smirk. "Not like that! I'm not hungry! Ugh.....you wouldn't understand. I have no one", snake said. "That'sss becausssse you eat rat'sss cousinsss for breakfassst, lunch and dinner. Even now I'm ssscared, knowing you could ssswallow me whole at any moment. And hug? Ha, with which armsss? All you do isss ssssuffocate pray then feel bad about having a meal. You're a little fat, but I ssssstill love you", tiger jokingly said. She hates when you assume she hisses just because she has a forked tongue. "Oh, sssscrew you!", snake said, clearly the most pissed tiger has ever seen her.

"SPIT HIM OUT, PLEASE!". "OH GOD, OH GOD!". "Fuck". "Eww, I'm gonna vomit!". Everyone was disgusted by the sight of dog's head sticking out, trying to escape. Then with a loud splash he was thrown out of snakes body. "Ugh!", everyone else exclaimed. "You barked at the wrong snake, bitch! Next time I will shit you out!", snake snapped. Xìngyùn, who had seen such a horrible thing for the first time, started crying uncontrollably. "Oh perfect, the smell of wet dog is irritating his nose as well. We're leaving! Give us a warning next time!", tiger said sarcastically. Tiger would normally have stayed to defuse the situation but this time he had the human cub to take care of. "As you can see, little one, other animals ain't shit", tiger said as he wiped away the boy's tears with his nose. "Shit". Tiger gasped. He could not believe his ears. "Uhm, guys?!", he said. "Shit", Xìngyùn said with a smile. "I knew it", tiger said. "MY BABY BOY SAID HIS FIRST WORD!". "Psshh, what a lost cause!", the other animals sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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