Chapter 11 - Sacrifice

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The word literally shook her from head to feet. She stood there, eyes widened with fear and surprise.

“With w-whom?” she asked, her lips trembling.

Jimin didn’t spare a glance at her, “Orcs.” he took two swords, three guns and also a bow with him. The whole castle was filled soldiers preparing themselves for the coming war.

Orcs were mythical. They were only told in children stories. Until now..... She was told that orcs live in this universe.

She gulped down her throat.

“They suddenly attacked us from north. The villages are already attacked. Before they dominate the town and The Kingdom, we must fight them back.” he managed to say that before he put on a warrior outfit and left the room.

Myeong Jo went to the hallway and found every soldier lining up in front of the main gate, armed. Some were ridding their horses towards the town.

She walked to the main hall room where Jimin and Jungkook were discussing their plans with the Minister, circling a table which had a large map marked with red and blue signs. Myeong Jo secretly walked passed them and stood behind Jungkook so that no one can see her. She easily overhead their conversation.

“They attacked from the North. So we should send some towards that way.” Jungkook pointed the North side of the map.

“But a fisherman from East said he saw an army of orcs marching towards this way.” he also added.

Jimin led the conversation, “Then send some over there too. The town is going to be under attack soon. We should go there.”

“But King, the castle? If we fail to protect the town, they are gonna take it down!” The Minister worriedly said.

The three were continuing their discussion more than 10 minutes yet the failed to reach a solution. Myeong Jo noticed everything and figured out a small plan.

She stood beside Jungkook and took the marker from the table. Her sudden appearance made Jungkook jump in place!

“How about archers stand by in front of the main gate? The North's attack is proximately more accurate so send more people there. The others including Jimin, Jungkook should go and protect the city first. The fisherman's words can't be ignored so let's just send ten men with shot guns for watch out. They will handle and back out if outnumbered.” she stated and looked at Jimin.

All three of them were staring at her with their mouth wide open. Especially Jimin. When did his wife get this smart?

“Noona! Daebak! You're awesome!” Jungkook high-fived with her.

The Minister was quite impressed with The Queen's clever skills.

And Jimin was proud of her. He smiled slightly as his heart was filling with joy.

“So let's do as Your Highness suggested. It's lot more simple and planned.” The Minister went to inform the others.

Jimin patted her head, “I'll be back soon.”

Myeong Jo said, “You go first. I'll join you soon.”

Saying she was about to leave for change but Jimin grabbed her hand, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

“Y-you're not talking about joining me in the war, are you?” he questioned cautiously.

Myeong Jo stared at him for a few seconds, “What else will I be talking about?”

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