Green Acid. Part 1

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-Trigger Warnings in the story Description-

It was the start of the day. The sun had just rose, and several were getting up. What they were getting up for varies from person to person. Some for school, some for work, and so on and so forth. Though. Not everyone  wants to get up... Izuku didn't want to get up.

Truly he hadn't  wanted to get up sense middle school. About at the end of the first year. Even if Bakugo wasn't there, his followers were. And because of them Izuku couldn't even try to have a restart in High School like some can. But what did he expect. He was just a quirkless loser with no dreams nor aspirations.

Bakugo had moved on to become everything he had once dreamed of. He was at UA high and working to become a pro hero. He had even gotten 1st at the Sports Festival not too long ago. How much he wished he could have just participated. He didn't even want to win. He just wanted. To be there. But... That was all just a pipe dream.


I just want to stay in bed... How could so much change in just over a year. I honestly have no clue. I just know I hate every second of it. High School is just a pain. I know everything there teaching yet I'm required to go there by law. I learn nothing, I feel nothing, I get beat and shamed for even breathing the same air as me "classmates". It hurts so much yet. I can't feel it at all. I just know it's supposed to hurt.

The only thing that comes close to making me feel is the knife I suck out of the kitchen a few months back. Even so it's not much. My mom had to take up a second job as Dad had to stop sending up due to a major villain attack at his company. He can't get paid till the buildings rebuild and needs every penny just in case. At least thats what I think he was saying. Either way, Mom was almost never home. Even when she was she was dead tired to even do much.

The train will leave in 30 minutes... Maybe I should just skip... "Mom would worry her self to death if the school notified her... I guess I'll just get ready." I quietly say to myself. It was going to be another long day.

I got up and headed for the showers. It took no longer than 8 minutes to finish up, though re-patching my injuries was another thing. My wrists had to be changed out daily, for obvious reasons. Though most of my others had finally scabbed, well besides for the one to the side of my nose. I just had to clean that up a bit. After it was all said and done I had less than 6 minutes to reach the train.

"I can make it if I take the shortcut." I sigh. I got to the station right on time as the doors had just opened. I step aboard quickly finding a seat before there all taken and reach for a book from my bag. It was a book written before the quirk era, it was interesting enough to read. Though very predictable.

"AGH! Damn it... Aizawas going to kill me! Of course my phone had died just before the alarm had gone off..." Someone had said quite loudly next to me. It didn't bother me much. Its not like a train car is the most secluded place.

It was a quite uneventful ride, for the most part. Well if that girl next to me talking about my injuries would be considered uneventful. "Hey are... Are you ok? Toughs look pretty bad." She had said most likely pointing to one of my scabs or bandages. We were about half way trough the ride when she had brought it up. "Don't worry about it... It's normal."

"Normal? Last time I checked having medical bandage around your wrists isn't 'normal' And don't get me started about the rest of you." She had perked up. "Sorry! That probably sounded rude!" She had quickly added. "I told you Don't worry about it. Thank you for your concern." I shot back as soon as she was done talking. Not once had I looked up from my book.

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