Chapter 5

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WARNING- Explicit description of Death and Assasination.

Face to face with a man so gnarly looking, my sleek black leather outfit looked like a $3,000 suit in comparrison to his tattered clothes. With a Green Hunting Knife at my side in my hand, the mans eyes frantically looked around in hopes of some escape. Lunging at me in a frightful panic, i easily side stepped his fruitless attempt and unlatched my black leather whip from it's holster and cracked it to the side of me. I loved toying with my victims, watching the fear well up in their eyes until they're practically begging for me to spare them. However, that's not what i do. I get cash and kill them, simple as that. Who's to say i can't have a little fun with them first? As long as they're dead, they shouldn't have any complaints. This guy in paticular is a disgrace to the family name according to his stepfather and needs to be erradicated, before he causes any more damage. A rich boy who sank to the bottom after his father died and his mother stopped feeding him with his fathers silver spoon. Forced to make his own way, he turned to Alcohol and drugs, turning him into an Alcoholic and Heroin Addict in a matter of Months. With all that's going on in my personal life, i never did bother to do much research on this guy to find his Routine. I just kept a close eye on all the Bars in Seattle. 


He looked so pathetic lying on his back struggling to get back up after i swiped his foot out from under him with my trusty whip. With a smirk, i pushed him back down onto his back and sat on his chest. 

"What would your father think of this Terrance? I'm sure he'd think you're as pathetic as you look." I sneered as i stared him dead in his hardened glare.

Before i could recollect what happened, a fist collided with my jaw and i flew to the side. With a groan, i cupped the side of my face and snapped my jaw back into place with a harsh crack. A heavy weight constricted my breathing as he seated himself on my chest and placed his hands on my throat. Pressure came, but not enough to shatter my windpipe and in a split decision i bit his wrist that was in front of me and he instantly let go. Too busy whispering profanaties at me, i jumped up and pulled him up by his shaggy hair. I withdrew my hand back and drove it through his nose and waited for the satisfying crack that always came with a broken nose. Blood Poored from his now broken nose and pooled round his lips. Holding his face in agony, i sauntered behind him and grabbed his hair once again. With a harsh tug, i lowered my lips to his ear and whispered tauntingly to him. 


"Tell Your Father i saved his Family from alot of embarrasment by disposing of you."

With a single deep slash from my once forgotten Hunting Blade across his throat, his body fell slack and i let it drop with all it's weight. Returning my Blade and and Whip to their original place, i reached into the pocket of my Leather Jacket and retrieved a small camera. Snapping a Couple pictures of his dead body for proof, i dragged the body further into the Alley and began the process of removing his teeth and cutting his hands off. That way, no one has any way to identify him. I called my friend who specialises in disposing of the bodies after a hit and he came and took the body parts. With a satisfied smile, i began the Journey back to my Hotel where i would meet the Client for payment. 15 minutes later, after walking through the dark back Alleys. I climbed my way up the back staircase to ensure no one saw me and back to my room. 


5 minutes after i got back, i'd shed my clothes and put my weapons back into their respective cases all bar my revolver which was under my pillow. I zipped up my Duffel Bag and went for a refreshing shower to wash all of the blood off.  One shower later and i was free from the blood that soaked my face and torso, i always love to get dirty. 

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